General Discussion

General DiscussionDouble down

Double down in General Discussion

    whats your experience? I used it twice and lost both games :(

    also after int calibration i played 8 games lost 7

    normal ranked played 2 after calibration won both



      My internet is too unstable to risk using it. Never gonna use that shit!

      Giff me Wingman

        so far +92 points


          +92? sounds like abuse

          死の恐怖 Haseo

            -50 , a player in my team suddenly abandon for no reason


              If you aren't a retard and you play a reasonable amount of ranked games per week this seems like a handy way to inflate your mmr. Just save it for the autowin games where the enemy draft is total garbo compared to yours and watch the mmr roll in.

              Dire Wolf

                Was this the right draft to use it? I thought enemy draft had weak ass lanes, offlane slark, mid weaver, jungle lc, too greedy lineup, while we had the empower + bloodlust combo. So I used it. Well storm didn't dominate lane that hard, magnus played out of his mind but pudge fed the shit out of lc mid game and he had like 200 duel dmg at 30 mins, then I got picked once in our jungle and we lost a rax. GG. I did double down on this one.


                I think it's pretty hard to pick winners now actually just on draft. Like even this game, They have cent and lina and mirana for early game, if lc snowballs it's bad but they have medusa and we can push like crazy and we have really good team fight around void ult. But late game they have potentially 5 cores when cent and mirana both get items. Too hard to call.


                Dire Wolf

                  Actually we should make a thread, list the mmr and the drafts and take polls on which side wins, then post the actual match. I used to think you could call any game just on the draft, but it's a lot harder now that high ground is hard to push and those 4-5 core teams end up winning late all the time. Or the reverse, some bloodseeker or lc goes complete snowball and game's over in 30 mins even though their draft is awful.


                    I've used it twice and won both times (thank god) for +100, but it doesn't make up for my awful ranked games recently...



                    Someone help me get better :<


                      mb not supporting in 2k would be a step forward


                        cause i left
                        elo-hell.. fuck it


                          mb not supporting in 2k would be a step forward

                          I've lost my last 5 ranked games where I played core :<


                          what's a good versatile core hero to play at this level/meta? I'm pretty terrible at farming/carrying

                          Ce commentaire a été édité

                            dunno, play easy heroes/play offlane

                            for mid you could play viper, lina or something similar, offlane clock/axe, or ask for a dual offlane that includes lich (you could play lich for example)

                            2k/3k hell even 4k is all about the mind games, i can't count the times i saw people go afk because they had to play against an annoying dual lane


                              thanks for the suggestions, I'll give them a go tonight. half my games involve me trying to anti-tilt someone who's tilted. this bracket is pretty hell.


                                Since you dont want to be a core. You should stick with roamers such as CM, riki, etc...

                                As far as I've seen some of my 2-3k friends play, they never really expect a gank nor be prepared for it. Let alone a smoke gank. But yeah, I'm just sharing a suggestion.


                                  I won my first double down, didn't do shit that game though


                                  I like the whole thing actually. Also that I can choose whether to announce it or not


                                    exactly, just roam around, gank, tilt your enemies and try to calm your own team down, should be halfway towards a win

                                    < blank >

                                      mods playing Dota xD


                                        Lost both my double downs so far feelsbadman
                                        My MMR has slightly gone up regardless because I won a lot of games to make up for the DD losses. Sucks tho, i thought that the games were sure win so I double downed, but got ripped, both bad performance from myself and my teammates


                                          Yuma Kuga D

                                          stop playing crystal maiden. any other supports can support better than her depends on counter picks.

                                          Use chatwhell=mute

                                            @diox cm is still very strong hero. The highest winrate support all time.


                                              stop playing crystal maiden

                                              but i need to show off my new immortal :<


                                                I used it once when enemy team had no supports and randomed Chen. Ofc we won

                                                1-IceTea 🌟

                                                  Miracle use it to grind back 9K from 8K,at least that's what I heard

                                                  Pale Mannie

                                                    cm immortal is the completion of the particle maiden set with noisy ass taunt included

                                                    Shikanoko Noko

                                                      +48 -50. yeah my life suck

                                                      >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                        Works great in my solo games. Utter waste in my party games if I don't play with at least one of my 3 main boys.

                                                        >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                          Starting next week, I am only double downing if solo game looks promising, or if my boy lambros, someoneskid, and/or Suru are in my party for some party ranked.


                                                            i think i missed one usage where i didnt play much during the week and all of the games in last day or two seemed too risky, other than that i won all of them


                                                              @Yuma Kuga
                                                              If you wanna win in this bracket playing support, play high impact heroes that are aggressive early game, like spirit breaker and disruptor... They might not be big in the pro scene but are easy as 123 here... Also, the exact opposite goes for CM... She might be great in the pro scene but heavily relies on the team to be constantly aggressive with the global mana regen, which the team is not going to do even if you ask them to... I got a jungle LC, jungle WK and jungle Luna in my last 3 ranked games.... Naturally lost all three...

                                                              As for the forum question, I used double down twice from the weekly refresh I got from the pass, won both times, but they were both party ranked and I almost lost one of them... Its a great tool if you know you're going to win but can work either way... If you're too keen on winning you might tryhard and actually outperform yourself, but if something goes wrong, you might go into a pessimistic spiral and get even more tilted at the fact that you doubled down on a losing game... Its all about mentality...

                                                              chicken spook,,,,

                                                                Fx took a week break from solo mmr from -50
                                                                Good shit