General Discussion

General DiscussionInt matchmaking rigged?

Int matchmaking rigged? in General Discussion
Dune, the Desert Planet

    So I did the calibration for another person. Started at around 2.4k and calibrated at 3031? How is this possible? Except that one SF game all were literally solo victories with multiple 1k GPM/XPM games and shit. Rigged for real?

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      gg valve xD

      Story Time

        they do not allow INT rank MMR to deviate significantly from the official one. I think max deviation is 25% or so (exactly your case)

        Dune, the Desert Planet

          @Kotato, that makes sense. Thanks for answering.

          Story Time

            Vavle will not allow mmr-inflation, but still wants to make profit and to allow an alternative to smurfing. I think they are testing this int.ranked option and later will modify it tremendously. All in all it is a very good business idea, and hopefully less smurfes.

            PS 25% mmr allowed increase might be an overestimation. Because there is no official info, and most people test the calibration on 2-3k accounts, the increase is always less than 1000 mmr (this is the safest statement). But again there is no official information, only testing


              if they didn't force that imagine how unbalanced int ranked would be?

              its only around for a few months so no time for mmr to settle and you'd get games with 9k players and 3k players in the same game.


                the amount of mmr you move per match is limited by the amount of games/your hidden mmr

                basically meaning if you have a brand new account you can calibrate up to 5k INTL ranked

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                Dune, the Desert Planet

                  It's 3.5k hours, 2.1k solo MMR account. I assume that's why my deviation was low.

                  gg, at least got some ez $$$


                    what do u wont.. i have 2.500mmr and after int calibration 9/10wins get 2475 D:


                      thank God for this. otherwise so easy to abuse