General Discussion

General DiscussionBattlefury AM vs battlefury jugg or pa

Battlefury AM vs battlefury jugg or pa in General Discussion

    Why is battlefury efficient on am and not on jugg and pa?


      I've been wondering, some of the players i've played with built battlefury on jugg and pa unlike the others who went manta and deso respectively.


        If u just use a bit of your brain, the answer is on your face

        Alfred Bot

          cause Am have Blink...make him Move easily camp to camp...


            AM has flash farming abilities, and excels as a split pusher wave clearer using his higher mobility. PA and jugg need to fight more during the time that AM is busy farming


              battlefury is only efficient if u can make the value farm out of it. In this early game oriented meta, AM is the only hero who can get the fast and reliable turnover from battlefury. Imagine PA, she can get deso instead of battlefury for 1000 less gold and a much bigger power spike. These days carry heroes prefer to fight early so even AM isn't picked as much as he used to.

              Plus deso pa farms even faster than BF pa because she farms on heroes!


                Depends on your mmr


                  In 4k mmr games...


                    I think its because of the neutral creep camps that we supports stack. But if thats the case we supps can use our spells to help the pa or jugg clear the stacks


                      i know that deso is considered core on pa, but if you dont get a farming item you will rely on snowballing and you will be not relevant after 25 minutes if you dont get kills
                      so in some games going bf is not a bad idea imho, a pa with 30-35 min BF BKB satanic cuirass can manfight most of the mkb carries that otherwise kill her
                      while jugg still farms fast and scales better in late game


                        i love battlefury on pa

                        roller coaster

                          Obviously am has no critical.


                            Battlefury on PA isn't a bad item, the problem is that PA is immensely more effective as mid game carry, it's simple really, why would you want to drag a game into very late, when you can easily finish it earlier. Aside from that you can purchase a Mjollnir over Battlefury as I believe the atk spd on Mjollnir is more beneficial for PA, similar for Juggernaut Atk Spd give more Auto Attacks during Omnislash.

                            PS. Mjollnir is also decent on Anti Mage.


                              the purpose of the item bf is completely different than the purpose of pa, i mean u can do clowny things like splitpusher pa who doesnt join fights and rats with a battlefury till she has bf + abyssal + another core item but then u completely wasted all 4 of his skills' early advantage
                              for jug i would say is for the meta and how a pt manta am has way less to offer in early teamfights than phase manta jug. probably again is about his skills' early game effect comparing to am's.


                                AM needs to be 2 items ahead from the enemy carry to do well
                                AM's blink is more reliable to splitpush
                                AM's blink is better for farming efficiency
                                By the time you get BF you could've helped your team to snowball to victory from your mid game power spike with items other than BF


                                  AM needs boyfriend, Jugg needs boyfriend, PA needs boyfriend. Relationship goals.




                                      PA needs to do her thing before mkbs come out. Bf doesn't help that.


                                        Don't listen to these noobs. PA BF is great!

                                        in and out

                                          because AM is purple


                                            Benao <3 skilled