General Discussion

General Discussionregen discussion

regen discussion in General Discussion

    when do you guys go 8 tangos vs 4 tangoes 1salve.

    if you ever needed extra regen, when do u ferry a salve vs more tangos?


      when your a support or a jacked assed carry who can't handle nukers by just going safely in your own tower.


        I prefer 4 tangos and two iron branches. Less of a commitment and some stats.


          stick for spell users apparently


            im talking about the specific situation where u need more regen for your lane, when do you go x2 tango vs 1 set 1 salve.

            General Asim Muneer

              i get 8 tangoes vs cancerous lanes and a lot of harass and salve when i think i can go aggressive and regen fast again

              Cheap Laugh Guy

                I think no one really does that unless you're pure offlaner but why not send salve with courier

                one syllable anglo-saxon

                  generally tangos are way better in lane but when u need to restore hp to stay in lane/jungle for more ppl ferry salves because they take effect almost immediately

                  dont think theres ever a situation to take tango+salve vs 8 tangoes, maybe if u know ur lane is gonna be a warzone and u wont have courier for first 3-4 mins but its such a niche situation it aint even worth considering

                  Dire Wolf

                    I never buy two sets of tangos anymore, with shrines there's so much regen on the map. If I end up needed more I ferry out another set or 1 salve later like if vs a necrophos with his aura for example. Also I'll rush some regen item quicker on my hero like going morbid mask before finishing aquila on troll or a ring of health on weaver before lance then build into perseverance later.

                    Offlaners many of them build tranquil boots too.


                      1 tango and 1 salve is not a thing anymore? lul i thought it is one of the most common starting regen sets. i usually just follow the guides. only time i get 2 sets of tangos is on antimage or slark, and i have no idea why i do that. other safelane carries usually is 1 tango 1 salve.

                      i need more insight

                      Dire Wolf

                        It is common but I don't do it. Seems like every time I do that I end up selling 2-3 tangos. I mostly play safe lane though and since jungle is so popular now there's often not a lot of pressure, or it's not harrass and more like hang out and wait for an opening when regen doesn't help much anyway.


                          get 8 tangoes if the offlane can harass you but not deal a lot of dmg at once

                          fe. if you're vs a sandking and aggro the creepwave, he stuns and you lose 60% of your hp with the creeps atking you, those 8 tangoes are going to take a shitload of time to regen you back up compared to the salve and you can't play nearly as aggressive with low hp


                            i once saw guy going 12 tangos lul

                            btw salve and 4 tangos is best start for oflane or safelane


                              thx severe that's helpful

                              also jdf8

                                im a tango lover

                                i only buy salve on safelane if i know theyre going to jump me and shave off 60% of my hp


                                  would u get salve against a timbersaw?

                                  also jdf8

                                    not unless im str

                                    but im probably a bad example in this, i almost never buy salve over 8 tango

                                    white boy summer

                                      u buy salve if u know enemy can nuke half of ur hp down by 2 spells so u dont have to sit at your tower waiting for tangoes to bring up your hp, tangoes are better against mostly rightclick offlaners/shit offlanes with pa and es or some shit, also if u wanna be agressive since creeps will hit u if u hit heroes

                                      Player 368673122

                                        i find it always better to be carrying 8 tangoes as the safelane w/ 2-3 branches considering i have the mindset that i'll happily take minor dmg while csing early but at no point will i want to tell myself to get hurt carelessly cause i'm going to salve after this wave anyway (I DO NOT LIKE DYING)
                                        plus salve sucks ever since they made it any hero dmg dispels it - it used to be only instances over 50 meaning you could healing salve whilst tanking lvl 1 rot/bladefury now if you use it midst fight an orb of venom will dispel it which is pretty cucky for a safelane imo


                                          When I'm a safelane carry melee my starting items would be 1 Tango, 1 Salve, 2 Slippers of Agility and 1 Ferie fire, and if I'm a melee offlaner it would be 1 Tango, 1 Salve, 1 Stout Shield and 1 Mango.

                                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                            Whenever I buy tango + salve, there is nobody in my lane and I finish my first item with 2 tangos + salve remaining. Whenever I buy 8 tangoes, some crazy ass mofos run at me from minute 0 and I hate to wait an eternity to go back to full HP, missing multiple CS in the process. So the best is to buy tango + salve and then just sell it later.


                                              its pretty bullshit to be able to salve through lvl 1 rot tbh, sounds like some retarded shit.


                                                Only if im supp i get 4 tangos, any core or offlane i getting 8, mid 4

                                                Livin' Real Good

                                                  Honestly preference.

                                                  I use 1 Salve, 4 tangos almost every game as carry. It feels like the perfect balance, cause you never know when you need to salve immediately.

                                                  But if i'ma have a hard lane as AM for example, i'll probably just get 8 tangos and a salve + stout shield, even as Slark i've done that from time to time, it's almost always worth it, and always get me to level 6. (which is pretty much slarks goal early game)

                                                  If you don't think you're gonna be harassed much, and the enemy team has a jungler, and an easy offlaner, maybe 4 tangos would be okay.

                                                  The less you gotta go back to base, and the less you have to use the courier to fly out regen, the better, EVEN IF it slightly delays you're poor man shield, or quelling blade.

                                                  Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                    I like 8 tangoes on squishy carries like AM, weaver, morphling who are typically going to eat lots of chip damage but you are rarely going to get super low hp. I think starting tango+salve is generally better on most heroes post salve changes, being able to salve while you dive tower or in neutral camps is really nice. Not starting with two sets of regen is generally a terrible idea in safelane as your lane opponent will have regen+shrine so if they trade hits you will either have to steal courier off midlane or get pushed out of lane.

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                                                    Player 368673122

                                                      everyone has their preferences but i'd say 1 salve is the more versatile option as mentioned above, diving tower, tanking neutrals etc - i'm just biased to tangoes because my use of salve was always the surprise heal when being chased around a fog path at low lvls cause you're 1 hit off etc


                                                        Get 6 mangoes so that you can use your spells to last hits as well as have regen