General Discussion

General DiscussionCookies Last hit challenge

Cookies Last hit challenge in General Discussion

    im confused did affect just say we gotta do lobby or we shouldnt or both? true tho exp is ab obvious factor game analysing seems to make this "exp gain" faster than just queueing games


      "your improvement rate is literally 0, you have no words to say about improving when you don't even have the mmr= matches played coroner."

      well obviously I need to quote myself due your incapability of reading other people posts. "I am sure if I trough years I played more often and consistent, had normal and serious approach in every game with will to win every game and pick whatever the team needs with mentallity of not giving up, I am sure I would be higher then I am. But not everyone has same priority when you play this game and what do they want with their time."

      How is last hitting 600 LH in 30 minute improve somebody who has trash mentality, who gives up after 15 minutes of game? how is this retarded challenge that is complete waste of time, help someone to realize what he has to do with his hero?


        Oh look I completed cookies 600 LH challenge - let me carry knowledge I just made into a game, nope.

        Its shit, its pure bullshit. I honestly dont know what people are actually dumb to buy coaching from people, especially people like you.
        Proven methods? proven by what? whome? under what pattern?


          because a big part of dota is how efficient u are with farming and not just about having a trash mentality, which btw is a very convenient excuse u have made for yourself for why you suck.

          A LOT of players improve drastically just by learning how to farm more efficiently. 3Ks like yourself fall under this category of players who suck because they dont farm efficiently. that's step one.

          then when u learn how to farm efficiently (which is the easier step.) you move on to the harder stuff like what to do with your hero when u have 1 extra item over the enemy.

          but of course what you do with your time is entirely up to you, and what you feel is not important towards your own improvement may not mean it is utterly useless for others. just think a little bit


            eh its really very very simple right.

            if you are had a group of ppl who are playing dota aimlessly, and you had to break down what is it exactly they need to improve (beyond just your fucking useless advice of 'hey i dont know, just fucking play more and continue sucking'), what the fuck would you do?

            think. you went to school. how do your teachers coach you. do they just say, i dono man just fucking go through life and learn as u go? yea they make you do pointless math sums. why? why is it in every sport u have coaches who prescribe drills that don't seem to have any connection to the actual game?

            sure you can get good by just playing games. but it might not be the most efficient way to get better (look at yourself you are a prime example of someone who hasn't improved after tons of games because of no focused effort - yea sure you dont take the game seriously.. or maybe you just couldnt fucking learn this game because u had no plan to improve).


              ok heres real results, I just played a game and had 320 last hits in 24 minutes in a ranked match, if I had played more effecient with no mistakes it would have been 400. I then proceeded to end the game without taking any more last hits and still had 883 gpm.

              I didnt even need my team, I could have had like 1.1k gpm easily, then just wait for them to leave to push my t2's and wipe all their base in 30 seconds, they wouldn't be able to stop it unless all 5 had TPs which they wouldn't. You can literally win without a team if you do what cookies teaches.


                I just went from usually having 190-200 last hits at 24 minutes in a even game, to having 320 at 24 minutes in a game where the enemy was ahead in kills. so my farming speed improved by 60% and it could easily have been 400 last hits if I didn't make 3 simple mistakes I identified. There is proven results for you.


                  you will remain in 2k for a long time fam.
                  This challenge as i said before produced afk farmers. looking at your games it wasn't that you didn't need your team, you left your team dry.
                  Congrats you farmed the map, while your team had no farm.
                  This is what will happen to you, because you are too focused on farming, you'll end up feeding because of your poor mechanics. An afk farmer who takes the whole teams farm either wins or looses their team the game
                  secondly, it was 2 games that you played well on your best hero, come back to the thread after another 10 games
                  and im sure you only got extra cs was because you were focused on farming over anything

                  Ce commentaire a été édité

                    If I see someone play dota aimlessly, last thing I would say to him is go do the cookie challenge, that will improve your game drastically.

                    And I would recommend lobby to someone who doesnt know how to stack some camps, someone who doesnt know to land some spells with certain heroes, someone who doesnt know how certain items work, someone who is not capable of reaching maximal number of last hits when is alone on the lane. Those are basics. BASICS. Something that you should know before entering the dota game with other people.

                    When you have the basics, when you have core then enter the game and play. The more you play, the more experience you gather. You gradually realize what works against what, what you do in what moment and that is the best training.

                    If I see someone doing something bad in certain situation, I would say next game try to improve that and that. And if that person doesnt know core of the game, I would say try that in lobby.

                    Anyone with positive mindest to learn, consistent at his actions will grow as a player

                    Anything beyond that is just making philosophy out of nothing and these drills are just retarded.


                      "you just couldnt fucking learn this game because u had no plan to improve" well I didnt, I admit it. Someone else will have plan to improve and will improve. I dont see how is that relevant niether I mentioned anywhere I tried or cared about mmr. You know, there ARE people who doesnt care or stopped caring or really isnt anymore priority when it comes to this game.


                        OR I would recommend them simpl watching some PRO from player perspective so they can mimic their actions in certain situations. That would also work. Definetly 100 times bettar than cookie pro LH challenge


                          you 2 are so annoying it's a waste of my time to explain anything to you, i give those challenges then i explain how to use them and how to push the most efficient way so you close out hte game in the most efficient way, ask drengr, fx, sakuse etc. for the proofs

                          you clearly don't want to imrpove and you never will, your idiocy is below me.


                            why does this shit have 3 pages in less than 24 hours


                              @ Lookieleven, actually no, mostly farmed the enemy side of the map not my own. Also I had 14k building dmg and my team had like 1k dmg per player. This is not 5 on 5 gladiator showdown, you dont kill the enemy to win the game, you kill the ancient. and my team doesnt matter, If I have 900 gpm vs team with only 300 gpm per hero I can rampage them solo by myself. I dont even need to do that anyway, all I have to do is kill their racks in 10 seconds, I tested it a 6 slotted TA at 30 minutes kills tower and racks in 13 seconds. even if my team all goes afk, all I have to do is chip away at their base for 5 minutes and I win or wait for them to leave and clear their racks in 30 seconds flat and kill them all 1 by 1 if they tp since they wont all tp simulaneously.


                                I sincerly hope you dont charge people for coaching and it is only your good will, cause boy, that would be waste of fucking money.


                                  @ if I have 900 to 1k gpm at 28 minutes, if even one of them leaves base I will kill him in 2 shots, that leaves 4 heros with 200-300 gpm, theres no way a 900 GPM TA with the right item build cant solo kill 4 heros who have 200-300 gpm at 28 minutes, and wipe the whole base before single hero respawns. Again you dont need team mates to win the game, you just have to destroy the ancient.


                                    And this retarded coroner has 5000 matches and no increase in mmr. that fact you played 5000 matches and your not 5k mmr is probably proof your iq is under 100. With Cookies Guide I am going to hit 5k mmr by my 1500-1600th match of dota 2 since I have been playing for 2 years now.


                                      I would be cautious with those retard accusations since I am not the guy that does half a hour hitting creeps challenges invented by this dota shaman (that I hope is not charging his coaching) and being dellusional how those are gonna improve his gameplay.


                                        hello, this is what i do in your dogshit bracket coroner:

                                        i'm teaching them the exact same methods i use here, 1 by 1


                                          And just the fact that you are so superficial that you think that everyone who plays this game play it exclusively for the sake of MMR raise proves your intellectual limits


                                            I still hope nobody has to pay a cent for you.


                                              even if you don't play for mmr, only retards like you can have less than 1 mmr per game played.

                                              a normal functioning human being will have bare minimum 1 mmr per game played even if he doesn't care about mmr.

                                              clearly to the fact that you're flaming everyone here about MMR means that you clearly care.

                                              so drop the fucking act you little dogshit and be fucking real

                                              Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                cmon, i mean dont these people over here just ignore all the facts and the proofs that a player who has progressed and when their point is proved wrong, they say that they dont play for mmr hence the dont improve. LOL, what a reason, OK , even if you people dont play for mmr its fine, thats their way of thinking, then why start this flaming discussion over here and prolong it for another two three pages cauz of which people who come to search their answers just dont get it.


                                                  "even if you don't play for mmr, only retards like you can have less than 1 mmr per game played." ignorant and superficial

                                                  "a normal functioning human being will have bare minimum 1 mmr per game played even if he doesn't care about mmr." some more wisdom from dota shaman

                                                  "clearly to the fact that you're flaming everyone here about MMR means that you clearly care." I critized exactly 0 people on their mmr who responded to my arguments. However, all people who responded to me mentioned my mmr and my number of games.

                                                  You twisted my words, put them out of any reasonable context. Appropriate for someone who makes this hilarious challenges and tries to point out how it works in real games. Not appropriate for someone who takes people money to coach them. I hope you dont do that.

                                                  You tried 1 time to defend your silly challenges, but you failed in pathetic way cause you spend half of the post crying how your customers (that I say again, I hope they dont give a single fucking cent to you) are not worth of your precious time and you came not even close to explaining why someone would waste time doing this retarded shit over doing anything else to improve your game. And also you said your methods are proven, which is really though word for something like that cause you actually need to provide evidence why your methods are proven.

                                                  Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                    my twisted words are to expose, if it's already not obvious, your simple non functioning peanut of a brain.

                                                    every single argument you use has a logical falacy, my methods aren't for morons like you

                                                    i've especially made them for humans with functional brains who will try to learn.

                                                    and clearly me posting evidence and drengr showing it and then you denying it won't do anything for you

                                                    you clearly can't accept evidence so why do you even post here?

                                                    your mental capacity is of a 5 year old.


                                                      Cukicukiiii vs Coroner PogChamp




                                                          nice ad hominem


                                                            nice latin


                                                              ty im smarties btw


                                                                @Coroner I will pass your mmr from my current 2.2k in 2-3 weeks. Then you can improve your dick sucking skills as thats the only thing you can improve at.


                                                                  @Coroner I can probably do it in a week now with what I learned from cookies but I don't know if I can play 70 games in a week.


                                                                    it nice to see someone who cant keep VHS with 4 thousand total games argumenting about which trick or things to rise Skill in dota


                                                                      really makes u :thinking:


                                                                        cookie you are just a random 5k, stop thinking you are anything more than that. you have been stuck in 5k since you came here. gg fam


                                                                          here's the thing, i'm fine with my skill, since i hit 5k i've almost stopped trying to improve at all, if i were to start doing heavy analysis again i can skyrocket my mmr by 500++ a month.

                                                                          don't mistake me for your average moron

                                                                          i went from high 1k to low 5k in 1.5 years, your average joe takes 3-4 years to do that while tryharding.


                                                                            hey nah nah nah nah


                                                                              @Lokieleven you are just random 2k tough


                                                                                This shit is so funny, really makes you :thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking:

                                                                                one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                  don't mistake me for your average moron

                                                                                  nobody does, u are a pretty remarkable moron actually


                                                                                    You cannot fight army of his handicapped dickriders. but whatever, all hail cookie and his inovative challenges. Arteezy is probably thinking why he didnt know for these goddman concept of hitting creeps for 30 minutes in lobby with morphling in 2013., he would already have TI in his hands glorified by the community


                                                                                      Cookie you can say you stopped trying, you made a thread about 4 months ago claiming you're about to start trying and get 6k. Too bad you want to teach people how to play but you can never be anywhere near a pro. Get off your high horse boy


                                                                                        i won't lie , i actually was gonna tryhard to go for 7k, but 3 days later and after like grinding 200 mmr i just bored of analysis.

                                                                                        Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                                          Oh but the fact that u don't learn because you dont care IS relevant. You are trying to discount a method for being ineffective when you yourself have not made any significant effort to try and improve. How the fuck do u know if it works or not if you have been dogshit all your life?


                                                                                            There's really really no reason to say something doesn't work just because it has no face validity.

                                                                                            The full extent of your argument only involves your subjective opinion on how it seems irrelevant or looks bad. But if you have any real intelligence, you assess it for what it is.

                                                                                            If you have any real arguments I'm sure ppl here will be glad to discuss why it may not be so effective. But for now, you are just a blabbering idiot trying to sound smart. Stop

                                                                                            Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                                              In this thread you already stated this works cause you can learn farming patterns, but still havent provided argument how those farming patterns when alone on map can carry on in the real dota game. It learns you to farm effeciently? yeah when alone, but how does it help when you have 4 teammates and 5 enemies?

                                                                                              You have people in this thread with 6k mmr and they still say its shit. I discount the method based on not being able to provide me how it works for you in real game and how can you carry over you knowledge when playing against, you know, people. Its not explained how it is beneficial, niether it can be explained. you know why? cause its bullshit. Its not being subjective, its called logic.

                                                                                              I will repeat, again, find me any professional player in any interview that when asked how did they improve over the years havent provided answer "just play more" or "watch from player perspective".


                                                                                                it helps you because it removes the mechanical part off the farming patterns, the majority if not all of 0-4k palyers miss all their farm.

                                                                                                the 2nd part will come when i get to it, like i've said i teach that when i get to it, the guide hasn't even finished the laning stage.

                                                                                                if you want the real explanation it works like this:
                                                                                                - once you enstablish some items, you can now start taking extra farm since the offlaner wil lbe getting exp/levels after 5 minutes regardless of what you do, now you start taking those extra side camps which guarantee you +500 gold for every 300 gold he'd get(considering that neither one of you are shit at lasthitting and miss them)

                                                                                                meaning you can use that 5 minutes of advantage of getting +200 gold to snowball and kill that guy as 5x200 is simply 1000 gold which is pretty much 1 item

                                                                                                once using that snowball you can take his tower and then pull the wave back and start farming harder, now he has to leave hte lane to go jungle depending on how hard you've stomped him

                                                                                                now you can use those farming patterns to get 1000+ gold for every 300 gold he gets, meaning enemy is playing 4v4 because both of you are farming, he's forced to famr because he's beind but you're farming because it helps you get ahead faster

                                                                                                somwhere at 13-16 minutes(depending on your hero) you pop into their safelane and abuse all that extra advantage to take the other towers, since that offlaner can't stop you nor can the solo carry stop you (as you've kicked your support out of lane previously because once you enstablsih advantage you just don't need a support so you send him to the offlane to harass the enemy carry, there's methods to manilupate people)

                                                                                                so at 16-20 minutes you'll have 2 core items while the enemy safelaner and offlaner don't even have 1, meaning you can pressure that advantage now to eat ALL OF THEIR FARM and delay their items to 30+ minutes(this is where those quick farming patterns come in handy so you can keep track of hte gankers so you can just cut waves and cut their jungles while not having to expend brain power onto lasthitting/farming so you can expend your brain power onto tracking all 5 enemies). after something like 20-25 minutes enemy team has no items and supports have become completley useless(supports success is determined on how their cores are doing) and are now forced to go back to their base and you just simply take all t1/t2 towers, and pincer them into their base

                                                                                                from where you'll get more items and roshan and then end the game very shortly after at 25-35 mintues depending on how well you did the previous steps and what heroes are picked.

                                                                                                that's the shortest way i can explain it without going into the details of why it works using human psycology and explaing how the tempo of the game gets changed with different situations^

                                                                                                so stop being a little wanker, these methods are proven, the mechanical part needs to be adressed first by itself, then the player and game aspects become way easier as you're not limited by your own ability to press buttons and calculate kills.

                                                                                                i don't get 50+ winstreaks in low mmr because im lucky, it's because i'm trained and calculated like this.

                                                                                                i teach them this part 1 on 1 like i mentioned, because it does need visual examples to be understood better.

                                                                                                and for that hasn't only provided ''ust play more or watch from player perspective'' and here's how much work EE did:

                                                                                                Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                                                  cookie has already mentioned what the exact exercise is supposed to do, and i dont recall him ever saying its suppose to help u know how to farm in a real game. the real-time decision making is still up to the player and his experience, but the mechanical part is improved by the exercise, so if a player deciedes he wants to do 'x' pattern after assessing the game, he doesn't have to think so much to execute it whereas bad players will almost away execute a farming pattern really poorly.

                                                                                                  that's my takeaway at least. and i think ppl here have are not given enough credit to what the exercise actually helps you do. i mean if u get mad because you thought this exercise is supposed to make u make better decisions, then it is ur own fault for misunderstanding the point of the exercise.


                                                                                                    Excuse me? my mmr is 2.3k and according to valve i am above average (2.1k) so my opinion must be respected and my analysis on the game is legit and im going on factual basis. I dont like to kiss ass of any pro without any reason. U have no right to critisize it u bastard .


                                                                                                      uhh I literally just had 900 GPM and 420 last hits in 30 minutes without even thinking about it at all, cause I did the 750 last hit challenge as Ta a bunch of times, so the entire game I was able to literally just focus on thinking about where the enemy was on the map, and what they were gonna do next, while farming 900 gpm on auto pilot. My team was feeding, but I was able to force constant tps to defend split push, so my team couldn't even keep feeding

                                                                                                      This shit works