General Discussion

General Discussion5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB

5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB in General Discussion
mr. rabbit


    going to a tournament without knowing dota 101?


    Président® Salted Butter

      ok 2nd round begins

      mom said it's my turn to ...

        Would have probably achieved more if they ran a support bat with lvl 1 napalm L U L

        mr. rabbit

          ck ogre bb tri?

          so offlane pa/ember?



            mineski tourneys have a lot of shit teams that join
            mostly free wins up until 3rd round

            mom said it's my turn to ...

              Was this bo1?

              mr. rabbit


                thats why i didnt join my 1k classmates

                pretty sure its just a massive waste of time

                mom said it's my turn to ...

                  And also shitneski is up to their old "we will come back stronger" slogan after losing like 99999999 games with their new roster feat. Mushit

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                    MVP did 5 melee draft too
                    Whats ur point wenmer u fucking dumb delusional 3k trash uninstall dota

                    mr. rabbit

                      nothing wrong with 5 melee as long as hero comp makes sense


                        and ban certain heroes


                          AX LUL

                          mom said it's my turn to ...

                            Mvp 5 melee draft worked because it was pre nerf AND they had an SB, while with this QCph(cringe) team they had a bb support? Whats he gonna do, desperately roleplay as spacecow with colds and run at you face first with support farm?


                              Melee draft got nerfed? Which nerf exactly?


                                I remember when I started doto I watched this viet.g team fighting against some 5 pub memers and got crushed by riki because they had no detection

                                mom said it's my turn to ...

                                  Pre *PA nerf


                                    The real counter of AM is packet loss and teammates


                                      The real counter of AM is being a bad AM player.


                                        The real counter of AM is banning AM

                                        Edit: fucboi out

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                                          The real counter of AM is AM

                                          死の恐怖 Haseo

                                            The only one who can beat AM is AM


                                              :thinking: hates magic but his gamebreaking ult deals magical damage, uses blink which is one of the best spell in the lore, and gets fucked by magic immunity


                                                Or is it because AM is an emo kid who hates himself :thinking:



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                                                    ez high skill games


                                                      jacked will get 4k before bws and alice
                                                      im calling it now


                                                        Roaming ursa is good


                                                          Fight me


                                                            although i got carried to 3.5k, ive been here for awhile without kyle's services. does that mean im 3.5k bws?


                                                              Cen cunfirm


                                                                So we doing the race by hiding solo mmr to make it more intense?

                                                                doc joferlyn simp

                                                                  I beat 1ks and 2ks in a tournament and I think I'm good.


                                                                    I lose to sub 1ks on 1v1 matches and I think I'm bad
                                                                    I'm actually bad tho :thinking:

                                                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                                                      I beat Silvers and Golds in a tournament and I think I'm good.

                                                                      Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                        how do u survive in the safelane, if you lane like a 1k though.


                                                                          Utilizing gold as much as possible
                                                                          Target prioritizing
                                                                          Punishing people's greediness
                                                                          Minimizing throws

                                                                          doc joferlyn simp

                                                                            ^Don't listen to him you just have to hit creeps and you win. Can confirm.


                                                                              i mean during laning. if u can do all that, shlouldnt u be good at mid too?

                                                                              doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                ^Objection. My latest tryhard phase saw me spamming midlane with traditional carry heroes. I just hit creeps faster. I had 60% Ranked winrate during that time, and I play like shit. You literally just need to think about what you do. No matter how bad you execute, if you did the right thing you'll win.


                                                                                  I'm bad at finding gank opportunity and calculating the opposing laners' strength compared to mine which allows me to feed the opposing midlaner and letting him snowball to victory

                                                                                  mr. rabbit


                                                                                    im 3.2k again

                                                                                    welcome be soon in normal skill xD

                                                                                    pretty sure the reason i keep on losing mmr is that i cant stop playing when im on tilt but get satisifed with +25's

                                                                                    mr. rabbit

                                                                                      HAH LOOK AT ALL THOSE WEEBY SONGS


                                                                                        lul alice xd

                                                                                        mr. rabbit

                                                                                          dudei picked jugg and legit didnt know how to play him LOL

                                                                                          mr. rabbit

                                                                                            i picked a bunch of heroes to see what i did best with

                                                                                            i did worst with jugg and best with centaur

                                                                                            lost all 6 games tho


                                                                                              Meanwhile I'm closing 3.6k


                                                                                                how the mighty have fallen. what happen to your sb spam

                                                                                                mr. rabbit

                                                                                                  well, seems like i wont be getting 4k any time soon xD

                                                                                                  mr. rabbit

                                                                                                    i got bored of it

                                                                                                    and for some reason i couldnt win as easily as before

                                                                                                    maybe i should try timber tomorrow

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