General Discussion

General DiscussionSecret WTF

Secret WTF in General Discussion
Vem Comigo this match ,
    this game doesnt make sense ,
    why they didnt ban the rubick instead of the puck? with so many powerfull aoe spells,
    where is the blink on enigma and tide?
    why tide bought aghs, is one of the worst aghs of the game?
    Why last pick drown? almost any carry can do her job better, especially since empire have a nix that can get near her, and take out her bonus.


      Yeah OP… u r right ! Makes no sense


        the fact that ur criticizing secret as a nromal skill player is hilarious actually




            did it come to ur mind that in any case their game understanding covers 100% of ur knowledge plus a lot of stuff on top of that, and the fact that u r missing someing only indicates ur own limitations and has nothing to do with their possible drafting mistakes?


              @sano, I think some players in the NS bracket can still have a decent knowledge of drafts and builds. Knowledge of the game does not always relate to ability to play the game. Also, just because you are in NS doesn't mean you belong there, instead of maybe a HS bracket. I smurfed out, but still play this account in hopes I can bring it up to my smurf's level. Also, the VHS smurf right after the OP can't answer his questions, lol.

              The Tide and Enigma probably skipped the Blink because the other team had a Spectre, who can pretty much negate the Blink when they would need it most.
              Banning Puck was pretty valid, as he can easily prevent Secret's team fights from getting ANYWHERE. He has a great silence, and an ability to initiate / break up fights. His coil also has a ministun that interrupts channeling on cast. His ult also prevents people from running from their Spectre
              I'm not sure about the Tide Agh's decision, though it does give plenty of great stats. I'd have to actually watch the game to make a decision there.
              Drow, because she is an agility carry that can burst down the Enchantress, and silence the DS and Rubick after the Tide, CM and Enigma ulted. I think she was a pretty solid pick here.

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              stupid fuck 2000

                Drow was there for the push strat with invoker and enigma, nothing else.

                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                  Their mistake was pretty clear that game, they had 0 daggers in their team. If Enigma doesn't get one, then at least Tide should. If neither of them want it, at least fucking Invoker should so that they can properly counter initiate at least.


                    no one except other normal skill players thinks this way. what u consider to be a "decent game understanding" now, you yourself gonna see as complete incompetence after one more year of playing dota. dunning kruger is not s thing only used to insult someone, or an effect that only works for dumb people. its a very general thing that kinda shows the way human brain works, and u gotta keep in mind that when the objective (side) evaluations of ur progress are low, and u actually think that it is unfair and you know a lot; most likely you are wrong.

                    Vem Comigo

                      i dont have the time to work on my skills, i just playdota for fun, another thing i do to have fun is analize pro plays, watch tournaments and keep a eye on game trends, maybe you think that you are better than me cause of the 5k mmr and the vhs mm, but that only shows that you had the time to work on the game and fix your mistakes to lvl up in the ranking, that doesnt mean that you know everithing about it, because if so, you be 8k mmr and have a pro carrer.
                      Wouldnt a gyro be more appropiate, he is tankier than drown and match ee playstile more(yolo)


                        have the time to work on your skill and being good are the same
                        if i spent all the time i was playing pc games on learning chinese, i would speak chinese perfectly. but it means that i still dont fucking speak it.


                          I need to watch the game first but from watching the lane setups and picks enchantress wrecked havoc. Maybe enigma + cm should've moved bot jungle at level 2, 3 at the latest

                          Vem Comigo

                            so you are saing that you know everithing about the game? are you the next miracle


                              i havent said a single word about myself besides that example with chinese. my initial point is that there is no aspect of the game u are aware of, that could be unclear to team secret members, they just know somethhing on top of ur lnowledge that made them draft the way they did it.


                                I watched the last 20 minutes of that game live was pretty good game


                                  @Triple, I am aware of the dunning kruger effect, and I know I still have alot to learn about the game (though I play at a higher skill on my other acc), that does not, however, mean that a normal skill player should NOT question the decisions of Secret.
                                  I think posts like these are relevant and help people improve, as they gain an understanding of the game on a deeper level. I have the knowledge to answer the question simply because I read the occasional helpful post on Dotabuff, and through experience ingame.

                                  I'm sure one of my answers may have been wrong, and feel free to correct me, like 'I'm Fine' did.


                                    i think one thing to add is that pro players are still humans and not robots. They have preferences, as in heroes to play and to play against. arteezy for example would perform better with sf than a leshrac, despite lesh being the better pick, simply because he knows the hero better and can play accordingly to it's strenghts.

                                    also puppey played like shit this game

                                    @OP, triple being higher mmr than you means that he is better than you. Me having better winrate than you means that I'm better than you (or better at abusing the system maybe) just to bust your time argument since we have similar amount of games


                                      Its really sad seeing people not explaining to OP the reasoning and just pointing out he is normal skill. My honest opinion about the topic is that puppry learned from TI5 that if he uses everything he's got on secondary tournaments then the other teams will copy his "meta". Now with the majors system implemented by Valve it makes more sense to experiment in the smaller tournament since there is one major per patch. It isnt a coincidence they did well in the 2 majors while they failed miserably every other tournament in between. #Conspiracytheory.


                                        Well they rekt before frankfurt


                                          And this was the last tournament in this patch


                                            i think navi scrim quite a lot, like dozens of matches a week, and they do not need tournaments for additional practice (most likely)


                                              Rubick and ds vs tide and enigma. Ds and rubick rekt tide and enigma. What makes no sense in this game?

                                              It makes no sense if enigma and tide won which they did not and they should not.

                                              Why they ban puck and not rubick? They probably did not expect rubick.

                                              Ofcourse you cant find the blink on enigma and tide cuz neither bought it.

                                              An area minus armor and slow is not bad for tide.

                                              Last pick carry drow? I thought drow is pocked as aura support for invoker.