General Discussion

General DiscussionAny Xcom fans here?

Any Xcom fans here? in General Discussion
Sexo Meister


    Discuss xcom2

    bum farto

      Great game, much like XCOM 1. I played it through multiple times and even bought it for the iPad.

      Don't get attached to your squad though you will never be able to keep them all alive playing through on hardest.

      Sexo Meister

        I know what xcom is kek

        Just wanna know what is going 2 be good in xcom2


          I enjoyed the Enemy whitin expac aswel, pretty well made, the very old game was good too back in the days :)

          I think the 2 will be somewhat different considering another studio is making it.

          Sexo Meister

            WAIT WAT


            shit i hope it doesnt stink

            Mr. Furryhentai

              xcom is naiz

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