General Discussion

General DiscussionCan someone explain this relentless dude ?

Can someone explain this relentless dude ? in General Discussion

    I dont post on the forums very often, i read them 2-4x a week usually, and lately all i do is see this clown posting essays

    Whats his deal ?

    i mean im not a great player by any stretch, but i also know that i shouldnt be trying to dole advice out especially since i do know the quality of some of the people here as players, such as havoc who will generally always be able to give a better opinion then i will.

    So why does this moron think anyone gives 2 shits about his garbage posts, leave us with long retarded rants... Do people actually think what he says is good ? because most of what he says is a giant crock of shit that any player could say if they cared to waste the time.

    If i wanted advice on how to climb mmr according to someone who thinks blademail vengeful spirit is legit, id ask my 2k friends, not come to dotabuff for it.


    Whats the deal with this guy's posting hes bad and tries to tell us how to play and ways to improve wtfmate

    Ce sujet a été édité
    plz do

      he is a narcistic fanatic (sry for bad english).


        Mah niggah, Dont apologize for bad english, just do your best its not a big deal. as long as its mostly legible no one will question you, most internet people dont type that well, my self included so no worries

        Giff me Wingman

          He's just a guy who cannot understand that he sucks at the game and should shut up.


            you know that weird kid in your 3rd grade maths class, that would always be really confident and try to answer every question, yet he got them all wrong. Then your whole class isn't alowed to laugh cause hes autistic.

            He's that guy.


              lmao who cares anyways

              Bad Intentions

                Omg guise Relentless got some valid points too :O


                  Peakaboo lmao that's awful


                    just cut him some slack, while I understand your opinion and since I myself believe the most of what he write is not that great nor useful, all of us focusing the hate on him is kind of pointless, just move to the next thread :)


                      I am actually asking because I don't frequent enough to form an opinion but if you say he deserves slack I'll give that a try :p


                        :') i live to serve

                        he's been around for years, posting the same shit every few months.
                        basically, if you take W33 and puppey's game knowledge, then give it to a 14 year old 2k mmr redditer. They will write you essays on how good they are, how you should make shadowblade every game because no one in under 3k buys truesight etc etc.

                        blah blah, he's a veteran here, but belongs with the 2k reddit club

                        bum farto

                          He's alright, he goes into extensive detail (albeit to much at times) about the culture surrounding Dota2 as a game. It can be interesting at times to read so I wouldn't ride him too much about it.

                          He has a some theories which he stands by which people who are in quite high tiers disagree with because obviously talking about 6k players is pointless unless you're actually a 6K player.

                          Skill > Knowledge which higher players get annoyed at when he talks like he understands their bracket from his bracket. Just a summary I have not personal against him or anyone on this forum. I come for ayyylmao thread only now.

                          < blank >


                            Riguma Borusu

                              He idolizes Ben Carlson and other similar idiots. His thought process is very very flawed, he never reflects on his own contradictions and never acknowledges his ideas are completely flawed, he still pushes them like it's a miracle, which he also believes exist. He tries to have a scientific approach on very tiny sample pools to prove a point, even if hard data generally contradicts him. He also RELENTLESSLY keeps repeating the same disproved ideas all over again.

                              lm ao

                                He is a big bitch who likes to impress us 'intellectually inferiors' with priori statements that may or may not have come from his economics 101 teacher who is a total lecher and touches dicks for very fancy maxims

                                Ce commentaire a été édité

                                  hes a bot made by dotabuff to increase page views, similar to Bad intentions

                                  Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                                    tomia comment +1 hahaha.. I think RELENTLESS is a big troll.

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                                    G M E !

                                      You are normal skill forum reader/poster while he is very high skill.

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                                        @ OP "but i also know that i shouldnt be trying to dole advice out".

                                        Don't then. U think wat ur doing is not a rant? Please. Stfu. At least the guy bases his info on experiments. Experiments that are not necessarily useless or misleading.


                                          he used to be more sensible back in 2013


                                            Also, what the fuck is the point of this hate-thread? Like, I randomly pick out someone and start hating on him/her? Thank you sir, for ur useful contributions to the dota community!

                                            King of Low Prio

                                              Hating on relentless isn't random its common sense


                                                ^hehe good one here


                                                  It's really quite simple. The trolls are jealous because they base their self-worth on attention. My posts get more attention and they all want to be part of it.

                                                  It doesn't matter that they don't understand what I wrote... most of them don't even read it. They are attracted because they see people paying attention. They write insults because that's all they know how to do.

                                                  For the same reason you will see protesters, demonstrators, and counter demonstrators gathering at various important events. They will be the same sort of people. They won't care about making a fool of themselves. They won't be able to articulate why they are supposedly protesting. It's just a party for them. So you will see them carrying on, exhibitioning and engaging in random acts of vandalism.

                                                  Don't worry about their childish behavior. It's just who they are. Freedom to speak is more important than taking offense at foolish children.

                                                  Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                  Riguma Borusu

                                                    Oh, so here's a nice new theory from Relentless:

                                                    We are all flaming him because we want piece of attention he gets!

                                                    Holy fucking shit, just how far do you have to go to conjure shit like this... Apparently, it has nothing to do with him writing stupid shit. NO! It's because WE WANT A PIECE OF ATTENTION HE'S GETTING.


                                                    Denial is strong with this one.

                                                      Ce commentaire a été supprimé

                                                        ^ damn relentless this was your first 100% legit post

                                                        Howard Donald

                                                          Aaaaaaaand it's gone.


                                                            well to be really honest it was not even the real relentless


                                                              holy shit I got trolled LMFAO well played tractor

                                                              Riguma Borusu

                                                                What did he say, anyhow.

                                                                  Ce commentaire a été supprimé par un modérateur

                                                                    he said "stop being jealous of me" or something along those words.

                                                                    Livin' Real Good

                                                                      Just let him be him, I don't see why you need to make a thread about him, that would just make your thread twice as useless as you think his are.


                                                                        ^true that
                                                                        squared uselessness