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    Sweet VHS Ta game ^^
    Great overall kda and game performance throughout

    Village Whore

      Top HD, TD and nice gpm... cant comment much on the game though looks like it was 4v5 later on... did Necro RQ or DC


        looking from tower display and xp diff graph,seems you did a comeback,wellplayed!

        edited,late posting
        woah dedicated VHS timbersaw player,nice KA/D ratio!

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        The Tree®

          Farming was on fleek


            10/10, only 3 deaths for a 50 min game + highest number of assists


              Regular Kotl game can't comment much


                Always brutal to lose those 1 hour+ games. Although your item build was total garbage probably a big reason why you lost tbh.


                  @ SEA MAN

                  I haven't seen many people build that way on Razor in quite a while. It's refreshing to see somebody building semi-carry / tankish.

                  I like it.


                    Hmm, looks like your team managed to delay Spectre quite long there, although ending the game at 50 minutes is quite bad when facing her. Regarding item choice, why not build Basher or Maelstrom on Riki ? I think those item is really good considering the enemy didn't have any escape mechanism (except for WR and maybe Spectre to some extent) to run from your ult.


                      Well nice sup 3 carries all seem farmed ez
                      Seem to be fucktard void, not bad sniper and kind of a close matchup but well. U won


                        I fucked up lel


                          @Son you got shitstomped so hard kek, how did you lose so badly ?


                            Pretty poor game as a Slark, if you were better you could easily won the game.


                              Free farm am early game no reliable disable no anti blink shit and with all of these this am got his battlefury on min 20 and pt on 22. Im ashamed of being a part of the dota2 community. Well actually the reason of me getting rekt was sk and 2 other carries were kinda tards


                                @Road to 6K Mmr,EZ MID

                                Pretty poor game as a Slark, if you were better you could easily won the game.

                                queen's speech

                                  MVP of the match


                                    Pretty amazing how you kept it going for that long with a 30k team gold deficit. There are obviously things to improve in every match but it seems like you did all you could.


                                      Nice hero heal dude, but sadly chen falls off late game and that game was very very long. I guess your team didnt push enough.

                                      Ce commentaire a été édité

                                        Aww man, tough lost there. You and DK are doing great, but sadly lack of pushing power against those lineup cost you the game.


                                          Nice game as Undying although you died as much as your team combined xD I guess the team was too good so it wasnt too hard to win :)


                                            I dont actually follow your build cause ii haven't watched the game but im guessing it wasnt going good for you or your teammates seemed to have a good time and u changed to more utility/low farm sb and then you came back to ac and didnt get to finish it evem though u had the most lh. I dont rly follow why there's not treads instead/along with travel boots



                                              Dude i had AC finished like 5 min ago at home + Sange and Yasha flying in and i sold treads in the end last sec to buy sth and i ran out of time :D Stats dont always tell you the whole story and i'm pretty sure they didnt this game :) Dont mind me tho, just comment on Son guy.

                                              Ce commentaire a été édité


                                                It seems like you won a stomp but it doesn't seem like you contributed enough? Of course having 4 cores can be hard, but I think you have to improve with how you farm with the hero especially since you have the lowest gpm on your team (behind the shaker even)


                                                Don't worry, no hate will be given haha. Just please never copy that troll's item and skill build. He would've gotten a lot more farm if he didn't have

                                                a) 17 deaths
                                                b) those items (he had a DOMI and a DESO which doesn't stack)
                                                c) that skill build
                                                d) if he was looking at wards to see that 4 people were already ganking him multiple times

                                                My mistake, I feel, was positioning and not pushing enough.

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                                                Jacques Lacan


                                                  I'm a noob, but IMO it seems in your last Shaman game, you were focused too much on pushing. Perhaps that's why Troll couldn't get as much farm as he would need.
                                                  (pls no hate I have 190 games >.<)


                                                    Don't worry, your last game as Disruptor is not bad. You managed to assist your team quite well when they need it. Although when facing those lineup, maybe build Force Staff or Blink so you don't get caught easily.

                                                    Another thing i must mention is maybe you should buy gem first before building Scepter so Luna and WD won't be able to run from your team (if you already buy it but the enemy took it, then forget about this part).

                                                    Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                      Hello fellow SEA Normal Skill Non-Core player :')
                                                      Bloodbath match, 17 death, but it's justified by 30 assist. I suspect either you're being focused, or you go full tank. Better push next time, you nearly throw the game at 29 min mark.

                                                      My last match is, lol. One sided stomp. My team makes space soo good, game is over before I comes online lol. AFK jungle as f**k due to high ping (700+, wtf?) didn't brave enough to risk a fight. 0 KDA, beat that guys

                                                      Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                        ^took the term "afk" to a whole new level with 0 KDA. literally 0/0/0 :p was carried by puck it seems, but gpm not too shabby


                                                          176 is pretty low cs for 33 min sf, silver edge probably not necessary


                                                            Basically, a game about what will happen if Arc Warden falls into player who knows his potential. Those GPM number is insane.
                                                            Also, such an irony between your tower damage and your name.

                                                            Btw, i think i have seen those profile picture somewhere :3


                                                              It was a stomp, but I'm sure you had decent impact (it's just that your team probably killed the enemy for you to stack damage/heal them). Pos 5 undying with that team seems pretty hard to do though so it's good that you pushed and won early.


                                                                Seems like you carried your team...xD
                                                                Good GPM and very good XPM...

                                                                Pale Mannie

                                                                  No wonder how you carried your team into victory... scrub enemy team threw that game except mvp Kunkka who played at least better than them. And rightclick BH is such a disgrace for all games -_-
                                                                  A second AC... a second Desolator... two drums... SB's only for escape. It's painful to see that Gyro and Riki

                                                                  At least you carried better than those scrubs


                                                                    Seems like a complicated match.
                                                                    First they had a bit more advantage but after laning u probably won some fights or got solo kills and were ahead but bc of lack of push? Or tiny building his items and rekin u? Or fuckin up some teamfights u lost. Ur tide seems to be a tard bc no blink DansGame
                                                                    But again u were sup and evem as sup had good kda so seems like u did everything u could the cores fucked up

                                                                    stupid fuck 2000

                                                                      Item build was bad, both team compositions were awful but you won because you got an early andvantage and just snowballed aferwards.


                                                                        Ez rape in low priority? You did good tho, descent farm and dmg :)

                                                                        stupid fuck 2000

                                                                          ^ It was just normal mm, i like playing single/random draft with one of my classmates. Don't care much about ranked.


                                                                            @Chi Long Qua: VHS match, they had the advantage from the beginning, all of your teammates started dying, enemy clockwerk and invoker began racking up the kills but it was ember spirit becoming fed as hell that ended up being the killing blow for your team. Fairplay for keeping a decent KDA while your team collapsed though

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                                                                              JULIAN SIBARANI

                                                                                I think cumback issraell @Mekarazium. Haha


                                                                                  Ez roflstomp
                                                                                  That SF did nearly all the work tho
                                                                                  Also, it seems that you sold all your item in exchange of DR. Glad things doesn't go south. No need to further humiliate them, it's sad
                                                                                  Nice win

                                                                                  Edit; replying comment
                                                                                  I'm laning with PA, so our farm are both starved early on. At min 30 all feels helpless. Luckily they wrongly push highground against stone gaze + crit bf PA. We turtling for about 15 min, lol

                                                                                  Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                                    Seems like you had a hard time as medusa.
                                                                                    500 gpm on med an hour in isnt really good,seems like you guys made a comeback with pa

                                                                                    Nice win.

                                                                                    Edit:qop stomped her lane,she got mad cuz i stole one of her kills so she decided to go feed couriers and gems,we still won,but we got quite scared when she fed rapier lmfao.

                                                                                    Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                                      Wow, hard game but the comeback is real. Shame on that QoP player for doing so bad and then abandoning (?) you guys.
                                                                                      Well played.


                                                                                        You did quite ok tower dmg, but that's expected as rhasta. Otherwise not a lot impact, i guess you had good teammates and won.

                                                                                        stupid fuck 2000

                                                                                          Looks like it started out even and went downhill for radiant after 15 minutes. Invoker and slark got tons of kills and even though you didn't get as many you managed to keep up in farm which is nice.

                                                                                          Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                                            A rape fest? Well, seems like you carried the whole team to rape, not bad

                                                                                            Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                                                              Nothing special to say. You and your team played well and won. Radiant had 4 cores.

                                                                                              puni puni butt UWU

                                                                                                Whole team was decently farmed, invoker probably was babyraging "1v9 UIR AL:L SO FUCKIGN BAD AA@WEJ*I!Q@JD"

                                                                                                Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                                                                  [Skip me]

                                                                                                  He wasn't raging but he played extremely well. On the other hand our team was super salty, Dazzle raged because he was solo support and refused to buy courier so TC did it, TC got flamed because he fed like mad man and also Zues was super bad early game. I lost 2 games before my WK game and I really wanted to play Jugg but Slark ninja picked after I marked safelane Jugg so I did random and went jungle WK. Early game Slark and Invoker were snowballing but later I got some farm and we started playing good and won.

                                                                                                  Village Whore

                                                                                                    for Eriri:

                                                                                                    Seems like quite a stomp, ez 30mins game with decent GPM.

                                                                                                    Also drow + VS aura... the pain is real

                                                                                                    Fury Peter

                                                                                                      Looks like an average stomp with at least 2 premades, nice farm, good K/D, build, yadda yadda. Nothing much to say except wp.