General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat contribute to today brewmaster increase of winning rate?

What contribute to today brewmaster increase of winning rate? in General Discussion

    Brewmaster winning rate is boost from 54.14 to 55.29 from 10/8 to 11/8?
    What's happening?

    the realm's delight

      people discovered how op that shit is after ti


        You see it was there the whole time exactly like it was a year, just that people started picking it like cancer after ti4. Just like void, picked like cancer all of the sudden this year. Fkn annoying ulti, you literally can't kill his pandas if you dont have the right hero.


          But it's look like a one day thing. So people finally found out how easy to farm with panda and the ulti is pretty easy to use all in a sudden? Or they the found out some weird trick for brew masters? Anyway, good to see he is getting popular. Brewmaster was under-picked back in Dota 1 and many people mis-used it.

          Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

            brew has been winning since 6.xx. Just that 6.78 meta says to pick batrider, rubrick, puck, lycan, np etc... He was always viable in pubs. It's like the shadow shaman and tide hunter & doombringer. Those heroes were always viable but pros just like style points with batrider and invoker.

            I wouldn't call 54% to 55% game changing. More like noobs wanna copy current TI4 meta. Who is copying pub meta. It just says 5% of the brew pickers are better than volvo's 50% winrate. There are probably better brew players than CM pickers. So glad that CM pick meta is gone and they are doing WK meta now.

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