General Discussion

General DiscussionSampson

Sampson in General Discussion

    I'm sorry for suggesting otherwise, you are right

    I just got 2 trash smurfs on my team with 4500 MMR so their real MMR is probably like 3800-4000 and they're ruining every single game by going mid and just feeding LOL (and when i call them out on it they say they "have 5k" even though their dotabuff shows they have like 43% win rate in ranked so they probably either paid for mmr boosting to get there or played one of those heroes in calibration)

    I will never doubt you again when u flame smurfs


      The second guy said "I have 5k" even though the endscreen showed he has 4500 and then he started flaming me and saying he used to be a pro or something. I almost fell over laughing.

      FUckin' retards lol

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        So yea as much as I don't like u cuz u go around with that haughty tone on forums, you're 100% right on this, sorry for disagreeing with you before.


          Smurfing is hard though..

          How can you win games when your team just feeds then gives up?

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          आप गे क्यों

            way to show u are mentally disabled by having someone's nick on the title and proceeding to talk to yourself on how u think u really love him for multiple posts


              whoa batman is angry

              King of Low Prio

                I have never been wrong


                  :) we will find out one day




                    looks like the roulette gave the other team the smurf this time (or is it an account buyer? hard to tell)

                    tb was 5k, played like a 4000-4300 player judging by his decision making/early game deaths

                    w/e i'm going to play other games in my Steam library, ranked mm nowadays is more like "pray u don't get the smurfs"

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                    आप गे क्यों

                      embedding 9gag doesnt work for me, anyone know how?


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