General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat carry does counter spectre?

What carry does counter spectre? in General Discussion

    So? Whos a good carry that goes late along with spectre than can fight him? I know the best way to win vs him is to win the game early-mid game and have him shut down but I need ideas who can actually manfight him late game w/o help of doom or other supps.

    Just tried weaver (no idea why did I even think of that) and lost horribly, picked him because I didnt really have idea who to pick, void seems good but on the other hand Im not sure if he can solo take 6 slotted spectre during a chrono


      Lifestealer I think. I managed to won 1vs1 when i was still spamming lifestealer but he built heart though.

      Void is the best 1vs1 hero.
      He can solo anyone as long as its 1vs1

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        Slarks pretty decent lategame vs. Spectre if you catch her out cause you can sook up so much damage.

        Generally you don't want to go lategame vs. Spectre, thus rather take advantage over her weaknesses.
        When you play VS. Spectre you want to be ahead in farm which should be easy cause most carries farms way faster than Spectre, so heres some fine heroes:

        -Weaver (Do not go too late! You'll get to a point where even you just tickle a Spectre)

        Just try to end game early, you generally don't want to play Late vs. Spectre.

        Big carries like Faceless Void won't be able to kill Spectre in chrono in lategame, this means Void will be a lame carry that struggles getting heroes to hit. (Which is one of voids weaknesses in the lategame, even though people thinks he's superamazing lategame)


          It's usually not about what carry your team has, but how your lineup looks. You shouldn't focuse your carry hero to just counter the enemy pos1. Hero.


            Void will beat a spectre in a 1v1.

            But really any carry that can farm faster then spectre should be able to beat him before he gets big, ie. AM LUNA. Just don't wait till 1hr+ to go for a push

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              Void 1 vs 1 all hard carries:
              Kill 6 slotted medusa without single mana burn item


                I did pretty bad my last game, I went deso -> linkens on weaver... I was like "they dont seem to have much disables so why bother with linkens" but then I realized I have no regen, pudge can eat me, getting hit for 15% hp from NP's ult, lich and when I started to go for linkens my farm was very limited and everyone were taking so much space

                What about Dusa?


                  AM is bad choice against strong hardcarries in pubs. He's weaker than most of them six slotted, so if you don't manage to finish game once your item build is done, you are likely to lose it.
                  Full DPS Void kills Spectre in Chrono, but one successful disable in a team fight will cost him a game.
                  Spectre also has different item builds. If she goes Manta, Radiance, Diffusal - most hardcarries will fight her easily, but she'll be very strong in team fights. If she goes Abyssal, Satanic, Butterfly - only few carries will be able to do anything, but her team fight potential will also be much lower.



                    You can even triple face spectre, cause pl has actually something to offer, countrary to spectre, but even if you don't, push all lane with pl, spectre cann't unpush. avoid every unheavily prepared teamfight, easy win.

                    Dusa is exellent, as stated before, cause her ultimate kill illusion, so basically, you'll ruin spectre in what he's the best, that is to say, teamfighting.

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                      Medusa murders default Spectre, but if she goes 1v1 build, it's like 60% in Spectre's advantage.

                      Void is all about Chrono. Most of carriers kill him easily via Refresher + Guinsoo, it's pretty much equal.

                      Dire Wolf

                        1v1 bkb will block spectres dispersion and desolate so I think practically any super hard carry with a fresh bkb will kill a 6 slotted spec. Without dispersion and desolate spectre is like a faceless void... minus timelock and chrono lol. I mean their bat is the same, agi gain is similar.

                        Quick maffs

                          i dont think you need to counterpick spectre

                          Quick maffs

                            trash hero


                              Ember Spirit has a unique way to counter Spectre. A very farmed Ember can destroy all of Spectres haunt illusions before they do an attack with sleight of fist in a teamfight situation. While Spectre remains, the huge dps her illusions would do to your team late game is removed. Spectre alone is not really that hard to defeat, nearly all her power comes from her ult.

                              As matrice mentioned Medusa is also great at killing the haunt illusions. But its much more likely to get into a situation where stone gaze is on cd, while slight of fist has a very low cd. You can use it just to take out the illusions and still choose to fight or not, nothing wasted.

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                                RELENLESS IS BACK OEMGMAAD WTHE FUCK OMG!O!?=#?!")#!"? BOOOYS HES BNACK :happytears:

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                                Quick maffs

                                  HE IS BACK

                                  MY LIFE IS COMPLETE


                                    btw relentless I think you're rusty.

                                    Spectre's strengths are desolate and dispersion, not her ulti.
                                    You gotto start reading books again or you won't be the old Relentless, but just another trash that thinks he knows what he talks about :s

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                                    Quick maffs

                                      Dude a spectre with his illusions ulti killed is a pretty sad spectre man, even more late game

                                      Just sayin

                                      Quick maffs

                                        and not like anyone gives a fuck about desolate late game so ...

                                        Quick maffs

                                          what i am trying to say is this :

                                          what a fucking awful hero


                                            isn't spectre female?


                                              You do realize that Desolate damage is way better than any other type of damage lategame because it's pure?

                                              It does in a way get better as the game goes later cause normal rightclick does less cause of armor increase.
                                              Yet again, someone wrong.

                                              Spectres illusions doesn't do shit unless:
                                              -Radiance burn (countered by pipe)
                                              -Diffisual blade
                                              -No desolate (Units in range of target)

                                              AKA a teamfight where all heroes are clumptd up spectres ult doesn't really do much damage.


                                                I'm so surprised by what people has to say. :blush:

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                                                Quick maffs

                                                  the thing about desolate is the if the enemy is close it does 0 damage, just sayin

                                                  Dont try to make it look like desolate is better than am´s mana burn for example because, guess what, am mana burn works all the time.

                                                  A teamfight where all heroes are clumptd his ulti will do no damage and his desolate will do no damage

                                                  Quick maffs

                                                    Like are you trying to say that if spectre instaloses his ulti illusions is fine ? because that its literally taking one ulti out of a hero.

                                                    Heroes that instakill his ulti illusions DOES counter him

                                                    or she

                                                    or it

                                                    Quick maffs

                                                      though i dont think one ember W kills his illusions but ok

                                                      Quick maffs

                                                        "Dusa is exellent, as stated before, cause her ultimate kill illusion, so basically, you'll ruin spectre in what he's the best, that is to say, teamfighting."

                                                        I dont think matrice is wrong dd


                                                          Again you're wrong.

                                                          AMs mana burn doesn't work vs. BKB.

                                                          And why are you telling me shit about dusa? I never said anything about medusa.


                                                            Also mana burn damage doesn't scale at all. It only gets good for the ulti, and the ulti isn't even good unless you get a sick 2k mana burn on 5 heroes.

                                                            AMs stength is splitpushing, not teamfighting.
                                                            And again, AMs mana burn is trash compared to desolate. Desolate works as long as heroes doesn't hug, and heroes hugging might even be better than desolate.


                                                              Again, I'm fuckin confused, when did I say something about medusa?

                                                              Quick maffs

                                                                You are saying that spectre ulti is not that important, but several people including matrice a 6k player has already stated that if you kill her illusions she loses what she does best, teamfighting.

                                                                AM mana burn doesnt work vs bkb the same way desolate doesnt, but at least it works when there is 2 enemies one close to another.

                                                                Quick maffs

                                                                  You dont really need to hug each other to desolate not to work, its a 350 radius if i am not mistaken.

                                                                  What i mean is that you are basically saying that if you lose all your ulti illusions as spectre is fine, because its less important than her other 2 pasives, well i cant agree with that.

                                                                  Quick maffs

                                                                    I bring the dusa example because matrice was saying that if spectre loses his ulti ( in other words a hero instakills her illusions ) she loses a lot or almost all her utility

                                                                    Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                      I never said Spectres ulti isn't important?
                                                                      What I said is that it's not Spectres stenght? Jesus, I'm not even sure if I'm fucking stupid or cause it's cause im tired, but am I missing something?

                                                                      You seem to tlak about things I never said.

                                                                      I said Spectres strenghts are Desolate and Dispersion, not her ulti. I didn't say her ulti isn't an important part of the hero.
                                                                      Desolate>Illusion onehits supports if they are notinrangefordesolatenottowkr = Ultimate will rape if heroes aren't together

                                                                      Which means desolate is one of her best strengths as it's what allows her to melt heroes, if desolate doesn't work then Spectre ult relies more on radiance burn, which doesn't happen if enemy has pipe which is very likely.

                                                                      If not radiance burn, its back to manta style damage > Again, desolate.


                                                                        meh I think I should go sleep, seems like I'm missing something incredible and making myself look stupid as fuck. Might be wrong though, and you talking about something else than I do


                                                                          RELENTLESS IS LOVE RELENTLESS IS LIFE

                                                                          Quick maffs

                                                                            mmmm dude i dont know maybe it was my bad

                                                                            Relentless was taking about ember instakilling her illusions, and so you responded to him saying that her strenght was not her ulti but her other 2 skills, so i thought you were saying that heroes that instakill her illusions does not counter her.

                                                                            Anyway i dont think a ember can instakill spectre ulti illusions in a 6 sloted vs 6 sloted case so .......


                                                                              No worries, shit happens! :-)

                                                                              Also to your opinion:
                                                                              No, relentless, sorry, but you really need to go back and read books.

                                                                              Ember won't be able to kill all 5 Spectre illusions UNLESS:
                                                                              -3 battlefuries, 2 daedalus and a divine.
                                                                              -All 5 heroes stays on eachother so cleave will hit all 5 illusions
                                                                              -Lucky with crits

                                                                              Aka, it's unrealistic so making Ember look like a counter to Spectre's ult is underwhelming.

                                                                              Quick maffs

                                                                                Oh well my bad i guess i didnt undestood what you were saying :P

                                                                                btw, necro is really really good against spectre too, i am not sure about this but i think heartstoper aura does not get reduced by her passive

                                                                                Plus necro usually pushes really early so spectre is kind of useless


                                                                                  Just imagine this:


                                                                                  Ethereal blade

                                                                                  Ulti, ethereal blade, Dagon 5

                                                                                  That'll usually be over 50% off Spectres HP/Any carrys hp (If not, you can refresh) which means they die and can't buyback?
                                                                                  How strong isn't that?

                                                                                  I mean, there's probably lot of ways to play Necro, but this build seems quite chucky and fun. Might aswell work.

                                                                                  Necros a weird hero though, which they can tweak/change him some way to increase his mobility or something. The hero is cool


                                                                                    Necros ult is pretty OP against heroes that doesn't neutrally buy BKB. Such lategame much :laugh:

                                                                                    Quick maffs

                                                                                      Usually i just buy tanky items that helps my team too ( mek pipe ) and after that i push with my team, that its usually a easy win

                                                                                      If i dont need pipe i get atos, with phase and atos is enough to chase any hero.

                                                                                      By the other hand:

                                                                                      In this game i should have gone dagon 5 eblade, heart actuallly did 0 for me

                                                                                      I dont know why i have to lose points because my viper had to leave just after we get the enemies mid rax but oh well