General Discussion

General DiscussionOH MY GOD THIS NEW CHEST

OH MY GOD THIS NEW CHEST in General Discussion

    HOLY SHIT THESE ARE SO SEXY *Will be posting pictures of the ones I got*

    Morphling: Bracers look like Eblades and new Adaptive Strike appearance and icon

    Drow Ranger: Mask looks like Mask of Madness and new Mask of Madness active appearance (There is a weird bug for her portrait as well) Also lifesteal looks a little different imo, but im not 100% sure.

    Brewmaster: ???

    Crystal Maiden: New attack animation (Looks like underhand throwing a ball)

    Engima: New Eidelons

    Kunkka: New Tidebringer animation and effect

    Ursa: New Fury Swipes effect and looks really cool when he uses his spells

    Ce sujet a été édité
    King of Low Prio

      we r zealots


        omfg serious new chests!! YHHH money to spend rofl


          Just more hats :(

          Ce commentaire a été édité

            Awesome, just spend 30€ on this. Plz give me some cool shit boys!

            "TheKid belowMeIs an ass"...

              calm down and put the tissues away. Both hands on the keyboard


                wow morph looks good ;_;


                  i remember back wen immortal items use to be rare lol now they pumping out immortals

                  Ce commentaire a été édité

                    ey if I wasnt tradebanned I'd give this to you my twingod <3


                      is the super crazy rare courier the rhino in the picture?

                      Are they not doing ti4 couriers ?? i have all the ti2 and all the ti3 couriers wheres my ti4 couriers :(


                        there are three TI4 immortal couriers, and they will most assuredly not be worth what the old ones are worth.



                          wtfs this shit?


                            i got that same courier^


                              What does that thing look like flying?


                                @ Concede show me i havnt seen or heard shit about them


                                  I think Crystal Maiden has some special attack animation, dno about brew. Nothing I guess


                           this is the ti4 courier >.< im dissapointed murrissey way sexier :(

                                    i think mechjaw is the cheapest one then the octopus then the rhino right?

                                    Ce commentaire a été édité

                                      Lol DD, git rekt.




                                          If anyone is interested, i'll trade that octopus crow for the the mechjaw


                                            hmmmmm i guess octopus = drodo or osky?

                                            because jaw is usually the worst 1

                                            pretty sure mechjaw will be worth less if its the same as previous years

                                            Ce commentaire a été édité

                                              dd ill trade you brewmaster for tiny :3


                                                If anyone has the Enchantress Immortal and is willing to trade it, please add me so we can work something out :)


                                                  GET ON MY LEVEL


                                                    I'd love to wink! I've got all + duplicates, but I'm tradebanned... As you know, permanent since 2012.

                                                    Better start a petition to get me unbanned.
                                                    Spam devdota
                                                    Spam reddit
                                                    Spam twitter

                                                    Get me unbanned = lot of ez immortals and rares


                                                      @Satellizer pretty sure thats the Carpet/Murrissey of ti4 show us ingame or preview atleast D:

                                                      apparently ti4 couriers are worth fuck all tho since there will be like 100x more of them then ti2 and stuff :D

                                                      Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                        Why are you banned?


                                                          Let's keep it simple:
                                                          I used to play with people back in 2012.


                                                            there are three TI4 immortal couriers, and they will most assuredly not be worth what the old ones are worth.

                                                            also... they went overboard on the immortals... so many this year it is kinda dumb


                                                              @ Sad

                                                              Just make a new account to buy stuff, why keep buying on a banned account?

                                                              You will literally never get unbanned.


                                                                lucky satellizer as always. Some people just have all the luck.

                                                                I see you sold it for 86 dollars lol.

                                                                Kinda wierd though. Every year they turn the non unusual into unusual so it just seems odd that they again didn't do that.

                                                                Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                  Unusual Frull
                                                                  Starting at:
                                                                  $80.00 12

                                                                  Unusual Mechjaw the Boxhound
                                                                  Starting at:
                                                                  $105.80 11

                                                                  Unusual Oculopus
                                                                  Starting at:
                                                                  $65.00 11


                                                                    why would mechjaw be worth the most >.< apparently u get mechjaw for any $50 purchase at secret shop lol im pretty sure its the worst of the 3


                                                                      Because those aren't unusual mechjaws and because no one except TI4 attendese have access to the secret shop yet


                                                                        :D ez profit


                                                                          I opened one and got the cheapest item (plague wards)

                                                                          gonna stop there lol. Just gonna buy on community market. Might get a genuine ti4 cour and hope they switch them to unusual.

                                                                          Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                            the drow immortal is disturbing

                                                                            MLG Quickscoper 420 Kushlord

                                                                              can anyone tell me what chest this is with these items? I'm confused...

                                                                              MLG Quickscoper 420 Kushlord

                                                                                is it lockless luckvase? Worth buying?


                                                                                  luckvase -
                                                                                  Drow MoM
                                                                                  Kunkka gunblade
                                                                                  CM staff
                                                                                  Brew barrel (changes thunder clap animation)
                                                                                  Tiny tree
                                                                                  Morph e-blade
                                                                                  Ench hat
                                                                                  Ursa claws
                                                                                  PA blade (i think)
                                                                                  Veno wards
                                                                                  ulltra rare is enigma eidolons

                                                                                  sculptor's pillar -
                                                                                  basically not as good stuff

                                                                                  you probably want the luckvase


                                                                                    All I want is the Tiny Immortal and maybe the Ursa. I also prefer the normal minny 'nigmas'


                                                                                      What does Spectres do other than being really shiny?


                                                                                        Wow those Enigma Eidolons are pretty sick. Too bad I never win with Enigma.

                                                                                        MLG Quickscoper 420 Kushlord

                                                                                          pffft who needs those just got my golden baby roshan

                                                                                          MLG Quickscoper 420 Kushlord

                                                                                            If I can figure out how to attach a picture in my post I'll prove it


                                                                                              wtf is that trax

                                                                                              Ce commentaire a été édité


                                                                                                i wonder how to get gold trove cask...

                                                                                                the market prices are in chaos again...

                                                                                                valve so smart.. anyone can get the treasure without purchasing the real stuff from secret shop...
                                                                                                more benefit $$$$$$


                                                                                                  i have no idea how to get the gold stuff :O maybe its mega rare and u get a special code from ti4 or something


                                                                                                    wow dem hats such hype


                                                                                                      The gold stuff are from the secret shop at TI.

                                                                                                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                                        How the fuck did that Drow item get in? It looks fucking stupid.