General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy do people suck at Dota?

Why do people suck at Dota? in General Discussion

    "the reason why dota is so hard is 99% of the player base plays it like wow, when it isn't."

    ^How is this possible? Completely different games...

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      OK, you ask why everyone sucks but you admit yourself that you "lack skill". Why do you get to be bad at something but others don't?

      So let's say they have "skill" but they lack game knowledge, isn't it fair that they got carried to your rating by their "skill" capabilities but didn't go further due to their lack of knowledge? Everyone's different, some people are better at certain things than others, it's just how much their pros outweigh their cons - that's their MMR rating.

      In life people usually choose the job that they're good at, in DotA you can't really choose, you have to be able to do everything right and of course that's practically impossible so it's only normal that they suck at something. They have good coordination, focus and reflexes but ugh-oh they just can't figure out the game strategy, they don't understand what counters enemy's style of playing. And so you have this cool mid player that owns mid and ganks a shit-ton but doesn't realise that you're up against a late game lineup and you need to push fast so he just farms creeps and kills heroes for 10 minutes, but then oh wait - that void is actually killing you now, that sniper is actually raping your ass before you get to him. That's just an example.

      And about skill, I assume you mean good reaction time, predicting enemy's moves for skill shots etc., adapting to situations - things like that. Well if you ask me, if you spend a lot of time on it - just like other things in dota - you can earn this skill because you've now got experience, you know what to expect, you've been through this. So again, it probably just depends on the person and what things he takes in quicker.

      So maybe skill and knowledge aren't so different, I'd say the only difference might be that you pass on skill to other games and other situations but your knowledge only accounts for that game.


        while i agree that they are really different games, i have a really stupid habit i got by playing wow 3s (was really high rated, top 50 players on eu i remember, during early-mop) as a healer. the main idea of healing (besides keeping your 2 dps alive) is avoiding cc as much as possible by hugging pillars (basically having really good positioning), and because of that i sometimes take a really stupid path when i walk away from enemies with low hp, trying to hug towers/trees, and sometimes it fucks me up

        but im pretty sure what admiralsomething isn't referring to that, it took me good years of practice to be able to play 3s on the highest lvl

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          A lot of people literally refuse to accept that they suck, so they refuse to improve. I yelled at my friend's stackmate for never carrying tp and he yelled back at me and completely ignored his mistake. I spectated my friend last night and *shocker* , the retard still didn't learn to carry tp.

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            dota is a hard, if its ez everyone would be getting the 10M at ti4


              m_k_1001 have u talked to murs recently

              fucking shitcan is ignoring me

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                also haxity is like ~4.7k mmr now LOL

                i'd better be 5.5k when he reaches 5k or i'm fucking killing myself, shit's depressing as fuck

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                  fucking dotacash memories are traumatizing as fuck


                    murs said dota is too hard for hime and he RQ, its a hard game... =(

                    whats ur aka on cash lol, dont recognize


                      i played under 'terrabyte' idk if u remember

                      u reported me once and i got warned cuz i started flaming everyone, threw the game, and fed my hero on purpose LOL. (your first post in the thread was like "how is this guy 1300 elo?")

                      dotacash people got bored of doto so not many active players are left, everyone i've played with recently are all people whom i've added since dota 2

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                        The big difference i've notice between different mmr is simply people's mechanical skill. Everyone knows to last hit but a person at 4k is getting like 30/60cs at 5/10mins and a person at 5k is getting 35-40/70-80 at 5/10

                        Its actually a very subtle difference in skill in that you would have to gain or lose 1k to even notice a major difference.

                        Also mid players who don't bottle crow and teammates that don't let them bottlecrow. Ive played on a super low account like 3k and had people report me for bottle crowing lol.


                          anyways i just looked at the dotacash steam group and the only one i'd want to play with is inphinity but he doesn't know me, gg


                            @¤ŦħΣ ΣƪƪƗMƗ§Ŧ¤
                            People in 3k don't really like a "busy" courier. Usually tell them "I wont bottle crow if you ward 1 rune" so I can atleast see where rune spawns.

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                              mk are u vouched in NEL? we should play sometime if/when it gets active again


                                oh did i lol, i remember i rarely reported anyone back then..
                                infinity is pretty nicee, he added me long ago when i first started dota 2 but we rarely play, hes usually busy, the only guy i play with is toxin from dotacash now, i'm not as active as before and have no idea what NEL is lol

                                dota 2 is getting huge, its not too late to go pro, u can try to make a team and win the qualifiers for next year's TI which will have minimum 15mill price pool xD


                                  there's no way i'm going to go pro lol, i have no talent + not enough time to dedicate.

                                  plus people around my age have IRL shit/job/career/etc. to deal with. looks like i'm going to go the way of murs

                                  NEL = NADOTA Elite League but it's dead (offshoot of ixdl-vouch) atm i think


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                                    Can you guys take your conversation elsewhere, youre interupting a thread.

                                    MLG Quickscoper 420 Kushlord

                                      Everyone is good at different stuff....I'm not really a good dota player but I am a nationally ranked MTG player


                                        What's complex about Dota(at least for me) is picking the right heros, knowing when to fight and when too retreat etc.

                                        What is simple and blatantly obvious to anybody but people new to the game are things like: tp's, wards, dust, smoke.

                                        That is really simple. I got a pudge in my game who came to gank bot, I told him he will need smoke he ignored me. He hooked nobody, 5 min later he was back still no smoke. That is SIMPLE.

                                        Simple things like tp'ing away from a blood seeker ult or not using the courier to bring you stuff that you could easily get from the side shop.

                                        @ Steror
                                        I said I don't have the skill to get to 5k mmr that's all. As you can see from my past games, for my level I am pretty skillful, BUT that is nothing compared to +4k mmr. Also I wasn't talking about people making mistakes or misclicks, this is more about people "choosing" to lose the game, by not defending towers, by not helping team fights, by buying the wrong items etc.
                                        Things that if you have +800 hours you should no, unless you are arrogant? stupid?


                                          there are more and more shit people nowadays

                                          radiant push lineup

                                          dire : lets pick a doom and farm a midas lmao


                                            dota is a hard game dude, i can explain to someone for 24 hours and 7 days a week and probably not cover everything that i know, and i dont know as much as the proz


                                              As I explained many times above, I was not talking about people new to the game rather those with upwards of 700 hours of game time.
                                              Read what I wrote above :P

                                              Quick maffs

                                                dota is hard even after 3000 hours of game


                                                  Its not that they are arrogant or stupid, its that some of them dont care, they play it as a game.
                                                  I have irl friends who with 500 hours and also some original dota knowledge have literally no idea about the game. On of them said a hard support is like centaur, couse hes tanky, thats what it means, and offlane is the jungle couse its off from the lane... And he started with str belt couse he needs str but missed last hits and when i told him to buy gountlents and qblade, he said im a retard couse he doesnt need those for his power treads.... ok. And these are just the tip of the iceberg with him.. He stopped doto anyways, so ok. But it was above 500hrs, stuff I knew after like 100 games, maybe even less wasnt obv for him, couse he didnt care. Never read guides, watched videos or anything, just playing for fun. Im sure lots of other ppl are the same.


                                                    no offense but if you think 700 games can get anywhere near being "good", then ur terribly wrong, it's not about how many games you play, rather how you learn, if you repetitively do the samething for 700 games, you are getting very minimal benefits out of it

                                                    ur probably not as good at dota than u think u r, just saying, if you're at 4k mmr range, the obvs everyone below/perhaps near you you'd cosndier bad, and if ur at 7k mmr range, probably everything below 6k u'd consider as "bad", its all relative

                                                    you can't compare what you think in other people's perspectives


                                                      No offense taken bro, I agree Vaeldiithia. People don't want to get better at Dota, it means accepting that they are not as good as they believe they are.

                                                      I really am not going to repeat myself anymore :P, I think I managed to explain what I meant


                                                        There are players that don't care about getting better.