General Discussion

General DiscussionHow i can practice Naga mid without bother my teamates?

How i can practice Naga mid without bother my teamates? in General Discussion

    Bots are too easy.

    And coment my game please, i dont know how to micro the ilusions better, u have to asign the buttons always or just click on map and click copy? Is my farm stupid? I need to be AFK farm? etc...
    I need to learn this hero for be in your Elo hell, kappa.

    [size=20]No troll this post please[/size]

    Quick maffs

      Your cs is low even if your team is losing hard

      I am pretty bad at micro ( i click on my illusions one per one ) and so i suck a lot with this hero

      played with my friends and we lost really hard

      my cs per minute was 8.6, your cs per minute was 6.9 and that its quite low.

      You should aim for at least 10 cs per minute, that its acceptable, anything lower than 10 its bad


        for your level i can assure bots aren't too easy
        1v1 practice mode, you'll lose 9 out of 10 games but atleast you can practice your mechanics, though you won't be able to use the hero at its full potential because you won't be able to splitpush, but atleast you can farm both jungles and lane at the same time, you macroing skills may develop in the proccess

        but honestly you are a fucking terrible player, not saying you not to try but naga is a kind of hard hero to play properly, when you get to 4k or whatever you start mastering it. before that you won't be able to explore the hero, at the 2~3k teamfights are constant (and thats all that matters), playing 4v5 will result in your team getting rekt (which means you probably won't be able to splitpush, then you will come here opening a new whining thread about how volvo hates you and how good you are to be where you are).

        seriously, you won't be able to put a radiance 13~15 min into the game (most likely past 25 min). but basically you need to bottlecrow (which is not recommendable in pubs because you would be delaying the other lanes' items which will land you to lose sidelanes (and again opening a whining thread here about how much volvo hates you and your teammates suck and why are you there if you clearly don't belong there.....). the skill build usually is 4-0-4, but you may put a point into the net to score some killz and help in ganks etc. after you get your radiance its really easy, summon illusion, send each one to one camp, you move to a camp/lane and use your riptide to last hit (riptide will work on your illusions, so that will accelerate your farming).

        if you are going to get 5-1 ganked, ult and tp away (buy a BoT, its the best option if you intend to splitpush). but try to be useful to your team, use your ulti to set up ganks (but i really doubt you'd be capable of doing it, communication is inexistent in the trench).

        item build varies but it goes pretty much this way: bottle/boots -> boots/bottle -> radiance (or rush a drum before your rad) -> BoT -> Manta -> Diffusal/Tarrasque -> Tarrasque/Diffusal

        bkb may be needed but its not core


          some tips to micro your illusions more efficiently

          set a key to control all the units that aren't you, i set it to Z

          i summon illusions, then Z, then select them to move to a camp, then i left click one in the portrait (showing how many illusions you have.. left clicking there will deselect the selected unit), send to another camp, left click, send to another camp

          आप गे क्यों

            why will naga carry u out of hell, do u know the amount of space he needs to carry well?

            Pubs have tons of pick first carry players, picking naga as a carry isn't going to help you win

            Quick maffs

              Actually if you get really good at naga and you go mid its really easy to win a game.

              Her splitpush is insane and pubs doesnt know how to deal with it, you can easily get raxs without them doing shit.


                you can flashfarm reaaally fast, so you should be getting atleast 250 LH at the 30 min mark (and that is already awful, terrible... but lets say they all 5 camped mid lane denying you every way of farm)

                if you are good i think you should be around 350 LH at the 30 min mark.

                naga is good because you can farm whenever you are, whatever you are doing.. just send your illusions to the jungle. if you have to fight, fight, you'll still get CS.


                  i'd recommend you to play Void actually, with a MoM and a maelstromm he is already useful at fights, is easier to play, harder to shutdown (in pubz), beastly late game, can 1v1 anyone, great in fights... everything you need in pubs

                  Quick maffs

                    The thing about naga is that your cs per minute idepends a lot of your radiance, and being honest if the game gets really hard even since minute 0 farming radiance is not going to be easy.

                    In my game i had to go to the jungle at 9 minutes beucase they were camping my lane, hard shit

                    Anyway if you want to go up there are easier heroes to do that job, slark is one of those


                      best naga player eu 100%win


                        You won't make it on naga mid. You do not have the micro to make it. With 44% winrate you should try Wraithking. Try to get 5 cs/per minute on a freefarm lane. For you this should be allready out of your possibilities.


                          just play TB :P hes like naga but easier :D and comes online far earlier with far less


                            Honestly though, hijacking this thread for another purpose: what do you use to micro illusions? I click each one separately but i feel like that is ineffective. Any suggestions?


                              i wish they'd fix the selection hitboxes, half the time i click on a creep and it selects the one next to it. wc3 micro was way easier

                              ICE SKULL


                                so fucking true MY NIGGA


                                  Just use Hotkeys for your illus, and sent them with shift away.

                                  Never played Sc 2? You sent all on one lane, shiftlclick on portrait, and one will be excluded. Now you sent the remaining illus to another lane/jungle. Repeat, till no Illusion is left.

                                  You are at 44% winrate dude, on a low amount of games. Learn the basics, before you start to learn multitaskin illu heros:

                                  1. Learn to farm: 6-7 CS on a freefarm lane; 50 cs on a slightliy contestet lane.

                                  2. Stop feeding: Just don't die.

                                  3. Learn to watch the Minimap: Make it a habit to take a look on minimap every 5-10 sek.

                                  This should allready improve your game, while playing naga won't.


                                  In a Pubgame a naga is always a burden.


                                    a tip for moving your illusions better is to deselect them and to also have a button for the 'select all other units' command.

                                    1. select all your illusions (assuming 3 with mirror image)
                                    2. move them all to one camp
                                    3. hold shift and then click on the portrait of an illusion to deselect it from the group
                                    4. move the 2 remaining illusions to another camp
                                    5. deselect another illusion
                                    6. move the last illusion to another camp
                                    7. use riptide

                                    practice doing that, it helps with other heroes such as PL when you don't need all your illusions to do one camp for example.


                                      Thank you all for the coments

                                      I will try to get at least 11 cs/m i will have 17 after 20 naga games (dream is beautiful)

                                      You always talk to me like if i'm the worst player on the world but watever thankyou for the tips. (My radiance was 18 the first game with total freefarm and 16 second game with 2kills)

                                      yesterday i see your meepo, amazing game but u cant win vs terror void and panda, i will try to see all your games with micro heros.

                                      I really feel bad when i picked tb.

                                      1. Learn to farm ✗
                                      2. Stop feeding: Just don't die ✗
                                      3. Learn to watch the Minimap ✓


                                        @Androgymus, the portraits are fucking small, i never click it good
                                        Can i do the portraits bigger? Its like dota thought u have to micro 40 heros and puted all the portraits MICROscopic.


                                          idk if you can make portrait bigger, just practice more and reduce your mouse sensitivity if it's too high.

                                          not sure if changing your resolution makes a difference. I tried as well as changing the aspect ratio and it didn't seem to make a difference to how big the portraits were, just how much of the screen I could see.

                                          "You always talk to me like if i'm the worst player on the world"
                                          if im not mistaken you were making threads about elo hell and deluding your own skill despite having a really low rating. unless that's someone else i'm thinking of.


                                            try to turn auto attack on so you can Press Move key and press on the map. after they reach their point or camp they will auto attack them. It's easier. Using Attack move to move to the camps may cause both illus to agro same camp that you dont want.


                                              Most of your naga replays have expired.



                                                As u can see, even tho our team was completely zoned out, with druid farming one jungle and drow the other naga still managed to get a lot of cs.

                                                Some tips that really helped me out:
                                                1. Keep auto attack always on for naga. This is very important.
                                                2. Don't be afraid to use song to secure tower kills and denies and split push. Tp can be a life saver till u get boots of tp.
                                                3. As for the microing, I sukk at it.. But found it best to use a button to select all illusions and send them to one spot n on the way individually select them n send to different locations(shift key helps a lot) try to ensure the main naga isn't wasting time while all this is happening..
                                                4.It is very important to keep one easily accessible button to select the main naga immediately as and when required. I use space for this.
                                                5. As with all heroes, surviving is more essential to getting a kill. Don't die unless can't be helped.


                                                  critalus, ye just watch my meepo now bro :D<3