General Discussion

General Discussion11 min GG, omfg..

11 min GG, omfg.. in General Discussion

    DK vs C9 game 2...
    I believe DK just schooled C9 on how to play a 70 min game and how to play an 11 min game.


      Haha, was thinking the same. c9 actually got destroyed from the draft :P


        I guess they got tired by the 70min game and decided to just go for a fast one.


          DK is too chinese for C9


            @Wink , Haha :D.


              U N D Y I N G B O Y S

              Krazy Kat

                First time Lycan doesn't get banned. Go figure.

                So does this mean EE will have to pleasure RTZ tonight?

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                Quick maffs

                  clown 9 is back


                    @krazy kat

                    ice3 Undying just rape trained C9. The lycan wasn't the real issue.


                    DK is very unique in their play style compared to the other Chinese teams know for slow farming and control. DK has altered the Chinese meta, but they are still quiet unique.

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                    waku waku

                      the first game was fucking painful to watch, first treant ults earthshaker with no fucking reason then earthshaker ulted and did not hit anyone at all


                        anime is dead

                        Last picking is 4 pussies

                          Anyone who runs Naga Radiance is crap IMO way to make a game un-exciting and longer than need be.

                          Minor League baseball is more eventful.


                            They are playing for 10.5 million, you think they are going to go yolo and have exciting strats? Obviously not.


                              MUH COMPENDIUM PREDICTIONS

                              Low Expectations

                                I dunno, first game I honestly thought they should have won. They jusy gave away too many pickoffs before doom refresher. With it they should have just gone down mid and end game.
                                game 2 they just drafted shit. I would want to see the convo that led to a clockwerk pick.