General Discussion

General Discussioni feel like tinker will get nerfed soon.

i feel like tinker will get nerfed soon. in General Discussion

    If the whole team tank 3-4 march they lose as much , I don't know how much exactly it do but I know that if you stay in two march with a hero that has around 1k hp ur dead.
    And yes no one stand into march instead they abort a push they could do.

    Quick maffs

      That its true if you push wtihout pipe or with a squishy hero you cant push into march, still :

      Tinker can not defend 2 lanes at the same time, you waste around 10 seconds in going to a lane to other, so you can push 2 lanes at the same time and make him decide about what lane he wants to defend.

      The best way is to simply outfarm the tinker team while they are in they base and just walk uphill with more farm.

      The enemy bristle could just go infront tanking all the march damage, with pudge in his side, it is true that if it was any other hero the game would be over way earlier, still its not like is imposible to push against it


        Valve pls nerf Tinker so he will be picked by less people who suck and then buff him again without mentioning it in any patch once his pickrate has been fixed.

        Quick maffs

          ^See that would be nice

          Quick maffs

            Or nerf him and buff his AWFUL aghs

            Bot (Passive)

              the thing is theres no conceivable way to nerf him short of ruining the hero

              like the whole hero concept is such that you cant hurt him enough to make him not a stomper


                lol why everyone afraid of tinker?
                what is dendi/ddz played io, would io get nerfed as well?



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                    depend on which team this tinker belong...

                    if its in my team, tinker is autolose hero... he feed more than support.. at least 50% of my game which some1 picked tinker


                      im thinking if they just add 50-75 more mana cost for his ult it won't be too bad but it would be noticeable


                        Tinker just reminds me of old morph.


                          I think tinker is very easy to shutdown. Just like most people dont know how to play tinker, they dont know how to play against him. Puck, storm, nyx,spirit breaker,bloodseeker ,vengeful etc. These heroes can easily catch/see tinker around trees. You guys just pick/play wisely against him. Trust me if you do tinker wont win the game. He will just make it 5 min longer.


                            You have to rearm twice to rearm blink dagger

                            Best nerf idea ever


                              rather than complaining why not start learning to play the counter heroes , clockwerk?



                              2 example to counter tinker with hex and dagon+ eh.

                              tinker hex has proven to be stronger in game.

                              leave me alone

                                tinker rapes seeker in lane (good base damage with some stat items, laser cripples seeker)

                                storm is the best counter to him, if theres a tinker on the other team just pick the hero and provided you have half a brain you can make his life hell. clock does a good job too but hes less of a snowball hero and ends up being somewhat ally dependent, a fat storm can rape carries and mids alike while clock can only rape 1 in fights and cant really take a carry. nyx is a good one too.


                                  storm is good counter to tinker and almost every rat* hero in dota, but i don't know how to play storm :(


                                    Zip > Orchid/hex (and BKB if needed) > Hit > Vortex > Hit > Remnant > Hit. If the enemy hero is still alive, repeat from the beggining (take into acount the cooldowns of course).