General Discussion

General DiscussionMy account got disabled from ranking - Admin please read.

My account got disabled from ranking - Admin please read. in General Discussion
Woof Woof

    better quit using creatine brah van

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      As I've said, only my very first games I was dodging (first 15 games or so when I was stacked with Kami/Wave), all the rest are normal "no stats will be recorded" as everyone else has... Not dodge games. (Example to be clearer, your own account:

      Not sure what you mean.. "Normal brackets" as "Normal games" without low priority or modes other than AP.


        You are still playing ursa-wisp combo in lpq
        Dodging is just part of the abuse not the whole


          tbh just give up fadi LOL


            I already answered this one... I'll copy paste:
            "When Wuzzy Fuzzy had low priority in my last games, I did not "over-think" that this can cause my account to such harm, If I knew it, I could just kick him and invite Van-art instead which asked me if he could join."

            I don't remember how many games were in low priority, but I can ensure you that it was not much. 5 games more or less?
            You know the new low priority, it counts as "5 games" instead of "1-2 days", so this shouldn't be much.

            Edit: Just saw Vroksnak's comment:
            If I knew I was wrong in any way, I would give up long ago... but I really feel like I don't deserve this, and these hate comments are trying too hard to make me fall. Making up things that don't exist, and change subjects everytime they have nothing to say.

            Ce commentaire a été édité

              Dude every match you played with v-snak this month is
              Has a probability of 90% to be in lpq


                why do you keep saying you played with me you fucking liar?

                find 1 game where i appear in the same party as you

                the only times we "met" in dota 2 is when you dodge vs my stack during loading screen a couple of weeks ago because you're such a lowskilled player, i wish valve made it impossible to disconnect during loading screen

                just man the fuck up and stop crying about your flag ban, its a well deserved flag since 90% of your games is least played, lhp and wisp/rosh abuse

                just look at your awful KDA on wisp, thats so goddamn depressing its not even funny, u get lvl 3 + bottle at minute 1, how do you even die? l2p please

                Ce commentaire a été édité

                  ^lift your stats son

                  cardio kills gains. that whole shit made my day =))))))


                    I really have no clue who you are, and if I did, I think I would pay to play against you... easier than low priority.
                    I'm not sure when I said that I "played" against you. Maybe you're talking about one of my stack member's party, not mine.

                    Not gonna talk about my wisp, what matters in the end is whether you win or lose, not how many times you died or killed. Also, I have the guts to relocate my team members out of a fight in cost of my life, not caring about my death afterwards, as long as it is a good move. That's called a good team play, not a kda wh**e.

                    PS: I have a huge feeling its Kami(wave) again.. making new accounts everytime. Usually he comes to threads like this one and try his best to get us down, lol can't be more obvious than that.


                      someone is mad


                        Hello my peasants (Darkness c223434234),
                        if you think that I am such a horrible person and abuse so much, why don't you just add me in steam and we have a talk about how cruel I am. I'm looking forward a request from you if you don't pussy out.


                          oh wow the cute innocent little princess finally figured out who i am after ive been repeatedly saying it from time to time because my main acc is banned from posting because i called the dotabuff admin jason (great job figuring this out, are you planning to become a detective?)
                          or did you use your superior detective skills and look at my steam page where it literally says "wave" under my steam alias? holy shit ur so good, if i ever end up in a homicide, i'll let my friends know who my detective should be LMAO

                          now go find 1 game where i played with you.

                          p.s what was that you said about you'd play against me?

                          LOOOOOOOOOOL I AM ON MY FLOOR
                          ur a funny lying guy

                          Ce commentaire a été édité

                            oh man i find it funny how u stopped playing when u got banned too, whats ur new acc called? maybe u and olee can become best friends LOL


                              So from "fail ursa, dodge" to a "dodge in loading", that makes perfect sense. Do you want to know why I decided to leave? This is why:

                              If we pick Brood - Torri will leave. If we pick ursa wisp - dodge. So I decided to save some time for both of us, and just leave before one of you abbandons. (This is not even the first time it happens... we got to play against Torri's stack many times, but game never really started)

                              Do you really think I give a **ck about you? Why would I go to your steam profile and check who you are? That's the last thing I would ever think to do.

                              Edit: Thanks for still stalking me everyday, if not every hour or even minutes. I didn't stop playing, just busy with other things atm. Would you like to get into my personal life as well?

                              Ce commentaire a été édité


                                apology for poor english

                                when were you when fadi dies

                                i was play at dota when nokia ring

                                'is says you play with lowskill fadi'


                                and you?????????????


                                  ahahaha =))))))))))))))


                                    This thread become out of control.
                                    Feeding the troll won't lift your ban
                                    It only waste your time
                                    Just give up

                                    Safe Base

                                      Hi, I'll probably only make this one reply in this thread. I've read all 3 pages of replies and there are other threads of this sort, this topic is quite similar to the old ones.

                                      Let me first reply to OP's main question. This account will not be re-include in the top ranks. If 2 or more other admins disagree with this decision they can change it, but this is unlikely.
                                      We get a large amount of reports everyday, and we have other non-ranking related queries sent to support. There's simply not enough time to warn every player. If some players were warned in the pass, then they were lucky, AND it was at a time when we had a tag that said they are an "exploiter". We no longer do this, and only exclude people from our rankings.

                                      You also mentioned "you got us disabled from ranking for playing in low priority I assume". As you have worded it as "us", then I will make a general reply that isn't directed at you individually. Other posters such as Relentless has already mentioned some of the reasons, such as low priority, limited hero pool, dodging etc. Multiple replies have been made regarding that. It's not just low priority.

                                      By your own admission you "only" dodged the first x number of games when you started this account, this is already enough to get the account excluded from rankings. If there's enough evidence the player is trying to inflate stats on purpose it gets excluded. To check every single game of every account that gets reported is not practical at all.

                                      @ Other people

                                      - We have clear written rules, we choose not to post it as mentioned before. If any admin breaks the rules the others will see it, just because other admins don't post as much doesn't mean they are not watching everything that is related to Dotabuff.

                                      - Generally speaking we don't know anyone in any of the top rankings. It doesn't matter to us personally if "Fadiflash" or someone else is in the top 50. There's no favouritism. Bribery is completely out of the question, DB admins have contracts. The implications and consequences are serious.

                                      - With regards to "the law". We aim to provide stats, help players analyze their performance. We want to invest time in new features. The "top 50" rankings list is for fun, all experienced players know that win rate doesn't equal skill. Dendi only has about 55% win rate, the Virtus pro guys that's mentioned such as NS, Ars-Art only have 61% win rate. It doesn't mean the "top 50" guys are all better than these pro players. A fun little hiscore for a game doesn't require rigorous laws, this is not esports and doesn't have monetary prizes at the end.
                                      As far as "laws" go "Intent To Deceive" is a concept that is applied when suitable.


                                        Fair enough...
                                        This is just so irritating that you decided to disable me from ranking when I almost reached my goal... if you did this in my first 15 games when I actually "cheated/abused", I wouldn't care that much... but after so much effort and hard work, I started counting how many games left for me to reach my goal, and suddenly these bad news came up.

                                        Why would this account not be re-included in the top ranking though? lets say I'll play 200 more AP games... it will be like 1% of my games were cheating as low priority+limited pools+least played, and the rest of the 99% are fair matches.

                                        I do respect your disicion even though I don't fully agree with the outcome of your action, especially when I was not aware of my mistakes I've made.


                                          make new acc fadi pls


                                            fadi gay
                                            #hardwork #dedication

                                            Safe Base

                                              I can understand your frustration and none of the Dotabuff admins want to purposely cause distress to players.

                                              I'm sorry you were close and counting the games, we didn't ban you late on purpose instead of earlier in the account's life. We don't constantly watch all the accounts, we review accounts when people report them. We have excluded accounts from rankings 20-30 games into it too.

                                              I've explained before but for your benefit I will state it here again. If there's a significant amount of evidence the stats are inflated the account is tagged and the review is over. We don't continue to review every single game. Otherwise we would need to review "over 9000" games a week every week to determine the exact X% of games were "fair matches". This is not a practical use of time, and not a common practice for any games or sports organisation (website, game creator, tournament organiser etc).


                                                Okay it somehow makes sense, thanks.
                                                New account, here I come!.................................... :D


                                                  My humble advice: Aim for something else like getting better at the game instead of getting a stupid winrate where everyone sees in a second that something is strange with your profile. Might be more exciting and less of a time waste.

                                                  King of Low Prio

                                                    PS: new accounts can not make it onto the top 50


                                                      he wants top winrate I think


                                                        one day baby we'll be old, o baby will be old.

                                                        King of Low Prio

                                                          why, hes not good.......once he gets it he will just get flagged again for dodging.......


                                                            Make sure your new account name is Swaggerwocky the Yolomancer.


                                                              fadi new account LOL
                                                              do you see anything familiar? :DDDDDDDDDDDDD


                                                                @Vroksnak, I think it's the one names "Fried chicken and eggs".
                                                                I got a feeling it is his another smurf, I still don't know why, but the "F" might be the reason.


                                                                  man this fried chicken guy, i deleted him and he still keeps adding me. and i accepted him once and he spammed me with chinese letters


                                                                    @ SafeBase I do not believe that you or any of the other admins are bribed or even biased. Nevertheless that is the systematic impact of having subjective rule of any human system. It will eventually happen if this policy is not changed. This is true for all human systems, but for relevant examples... both Dotacash (once 250k playerbase) and ThroneIt (600k playerbase) major dota 1 fan sites died largely because they eventually got corrupt admins.

                                                                    Having a Patriot Act style, secret rule, is not conducive to ethical judgments. People need transparency. I hope you guys see fit to change this policy before it becomes a real problem. It is possible to write the rules so they are automated and totally objective. You would save yourselves a lot of time and hassle this way.

                                                                    Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                                    King of Low Prio

                                                                      In all fairness Dotabuff will die out when the dota 2 ladder comes out


                                                                        And btw
                                                                        fadi typgin from his new acc


                                                                          gg fadi pls ban

                                                                          King of Low Prio

                                                                            this is shocking news

                                                                            Woof Woof

                                                                              ^ then dotabuff is safe because valve wont ever release ladder :OOOO


                                                                                Ich sperr euch Nutten in den Schrank, keine von euch ist relevant


                                                                                  Dotabuff will be positively impacted by the release of the ranked matching. The value here is in the organization and presentation of the information. And of course people also show up for the community.


                                                                                    so where do we find these dotabuff rules ?

                                                                                    what is the reasons for someones account to get dissabled ?

                                                                                    cuz so far it looks like complete bullshit that guy was tryharding so much to get that winrate spent so much time and all his efort went to nothing


                                                                                      i got flagged for playing limited hero pool like 30 times and i have about 500 matches played in AP but i talked to one of the dotabuff community managers and they told me they would remove my flag ban so i can appear on these rankings when i have 800~ matches

                                                                                      i hope this is the truth lol

                                                                                      i just wish i could post here with my main account instead on this account, i dont know why jason banned me for calling him that when thats his steam name

                                                                                      about fadis case, i completely agree about banning him. he's not even tryharding but abusing with wisp+ursa fail rosh abandon, least played and limited hero pool and this cover 90% of his games. he even made a new account and he's doing the same exact thing

                                                                                      Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                                        Our stack was flagged bacuse we played fast push with rosh strat on Russian region, all games was on all pick mode.
                                                                               here is one of our accounts
                                                                                        We have only 2 no stats recorded games.

                                                                                        Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                                          legit kda


                                                                                            nobody cares about KDA
                                                                                            some retard just fed us with other heroes who left match

                                                                                            Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                                              i dont understand why you guys care so much


                                                                                                @vivivivi wave kami

                                                                                                you just dodged like 3 games of ours, how come we are the fucked up dodgers?! :)))))


                                                                                                  It will be nice when Vavle ranked MMR makes the winrate significantly less interesting or valued.

                                                                                                  game is bad

                                                                                                    @Fpz Low-priority stacking + dodging at load screen if you're not on Dire to get the fast Roshan is in no way legit. Can't believe you're still trying to defend yourself.


                                                                                                      Wow this is insane, there is enough evidence here to make their account banned from valve in fact, not only from dotabuff, if someone was willing to take time to send an email to them.

                                                                                                      These guys are toxic for the game itself, god only know how many games they have dodged and make people angry because they have a dc in their team.

                                                                                                      It's pretty funny how they try to deny all their cheat admiting others cheat they consider less important, like "well i did dc if roshan contested but only for the first 15 games".

                                                                                                      When he try to defend he quote two legite games, so in all his games he had only two legite games, pretty funny.

                                                                                                      I know I don't add a lot here but if I was them I would just mann up admit my previous cheat and start a new account.