General Discussion

General DiscussionDo I have to stack now

Do I have to stack now in General Discussion
King of Low Prio

    after getting back into dota I keep getting a mixed bag of complete noobs and great players (both on my team and against me). Prior to my break I would get similar skilled players now it is completely all over the map......


      I doubt you can beat my recent streak. I dropped from +16 to +4 in a day.

      King of Low Prio

        well the problem is BOTH my team and my opponents get fucking awful players and I dont mean awful in the sense that hes not getting great farm I mean awful in the way that they dont understand what farm is

        King of Low Prio

          So even when I win its not even rewarding its like how the hell did I get matched with it


            It is all random and it has always been, move along.


              Since when they removed skill brackets it's a bit more random then it used to be.

              EZ MID 9k mmr

                Try playing solo queue, if it doesn't work out for you start stacking.

                SMELLY APE

                  ^did u even read the OP? He's saying if he wants to stack BECAUSE he's having bad experience with solo queue.


                    yes lol winning a tard game isn' rewarding at all, all time I see is either they bash my tard teamate or we pawn their tard team

                    Let the trolling begin !


                      This is how MM has always been, and it's how it will always be. There is no workaround that most people would favor. The reason you're now just noticing it is explained by bad luck (or maybe good luck in the past).

                      I explain this to people with a simple example that should speak for itself. Let's say me and famegg queue up together with 2 others (for concreteness, we can say their rating is mine). I'm in the top 1% of skill, yet (let's just say) that famegg is in the bottom 1%. No matter who the algorithm puts on our team to make five, either I will be much higher skill than him, or famegg will be much lower skill than him.

                      So how could we possibly fix having people with different skills on our team when we must do so due to the partying system? We really can't. The only way to fix it would be to alter the party system in a way that would anger enough people to stop it from happening. You'd have to restrict with whom you can party (except in the case where you party with 5 - then it isn't possible for someone to feel cheated by having a terrible player show up on his team. He chose his teammates).

                      My idea:
                      Have a high variance queue (HVQ) and a regular queue (RQ). Both queues count as W/L/points/items/etc (HVQ isn't a punishment). Basically, if a party's composition varies way too much, they will receive an orange warning that they are going to be put into the HVQ. Varying too much would be defined heuristically through statistical analysis, a bit of trial & error, and some human sense. Otherwise, your party is put into RQ.

                      Complaint 1: A person in a party of size 1 always goes to RQ (his party varies none). How can we give a HVQ party with 4 members a 5th player?
                      Resolution: Players can opt into HVQ if they wish to perhaps have newbies (or professionals) on their team relative to their skill. Their reward would be higher item drops or some other stupid shit that dota players want.

                      Complaint 2: Would it be possible to figure out someone's MMR approximately with a coordinated effort of several players checking when their party goes into HVQ by the inclusion of this or that player?
                      Resolution: Maybe. But you'd need a reference anyway, so you'd sort of be telling yourself something you already know. E.g. If we have Tim and Tom (top 99.999% players) and we know they are such, and Jack joins the party, we know he isn't the top 99.999% if the party is flagged for HVQ. But didn't we already know that about Jack? Yes...

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                        Well, when you queue in party the matchmaking will always be sortof fucked up.
                        Cause you have people partying with low levels, as people parties with high levels.


                          If you want to have more fun, then you need to stack
                          I play stack every saturday with decent team and we play TMM all the time.
                          Overall, it's much much much more fun than solo queue.


                            I've been asking myself the same question for a while, OP, and test out the answer today.

                            For some time I've had a real bad solo queue experience having players on my team with a real gap in skill levels (I'm not a good player myself but you can imagine how bad some of them were when I'm saying they were BAD). I thought that I can ask for a party in PurgeGamers channel since I've seen some nice people there and plenty of parties going.

                            First party:

                            Rubick picker wanted to carry, but the Jugger picked first. Rubick raged, said he refuses to support him and buy wards and stuff. I, as Enchantress, got plenty of ganks in our own jungle, Jugger died multiple times too. Rubick proceeds to flame me and pisses me off so hard that after the game I still keep on arguing with him on the chat room.

                            Second party:

                            BH says he goes "carry" although me and the weaver advised him it's not a good idea. He dies 7 times on safelane and then goes all like "Idc anymore ff".

                            Out of 7 games today, the result is:

                            4 in a party - zero wins.
                            3 solo queue - one win.

                            My advise would be to stack with friends and have fun, I'd hardly get in a random chat room stack ever again.


                              @winterchillz I share your sentiment, I generally win more solo queuing than I do with my friends. They're good players, but very inconsistent.

                              -apm 400 player

                                @winter thats some next level stack when bh says 'carry'
                                random stack is pointless u still get people rage quit afk so on.

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                                  i remember when the same guy who won shitloads of solo q matches bitched about me bitching about my team/enemy in solo q

                                  just sayin